Panic Attack

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I'm back and the juices are flowing once again!!!! I've decided to write out the rest of the story in a journal. I write easier on paper than a computer. Plus, it's easier for me to get my thoughts together and the creative energy going. So expect more chapters soon. Maybe I'll do the same thing with My Alpha...

Anyways you know what to do. Comment Like Follow and share with absolutely everyone.


Alessandra looked sickly as she laid in my arms. The moment she lost consciousness, I unbuckled her seatbelt and dragged her limp body over to my lap. Oh, cazzo! What the hell am I suppose to do with an unconscious bride? I know my appearance brings fear but never have I brought a person to death by a little threat. She isn't bride material for me if she couldn't handle one little threat. Her file never disclosed seizures...Hell, I don't even know if that was a seizure. This little lady is definitely hearing it once she wakes up... no little fainting is going to get her out of this mess!

Once our driver Draco noticed Ally laid across my lap unconscious, he signaled the other cars of distress before zooming towards the estate. I turned to look at Ally's form in my lap. She laid barely moving in my lap, her arms were barely wrapped around my neck and her feet dangled off my lap. All color left her skin; she was as blue as a corpse. Her lips were no longer fiery red, his cheeks no longer rosy pink. If it wasn't for her faint heartbeat and soft breaths, I would have mistaken her for dead.

"Oh principessa, sei più un problema di quanto immaginassi!"

Finally, Draco pulled up to the 10-foot tall black iron gate that surrounded the estate. I've never been so fucking relieved to be home. It took a moment before security in the surveillance tower granted us entrance into the estate but once they had, we rushed up the 5-yard driveway towards the main mansion on the property.

I didn't wait for my men to follow, I carried Ally's limp body out the car and towards the front door. It was only a mere seconds before some of my men followed me to the lower level east wing past the kitchen which held the Infirmary. Considering our line of work, father had a tiny functional hospital built to the east lower wing of the mansion. We had 6 operating rooms filled with only the best technology and equipment, 8 private and shared recovery rooms and 5 walks in offices. We've also hired 12 nurses, doctors, and surgeons on as permanent staff of the hospital. Most employees were family friends so their loyalty was never questioned. The rest proved themselves to great strength their loyalty to my family.

One of leading doctors; Dr. Russo, awaited by the infirmary main doors for my arrival. I guess one of the guards put in a call to the infirmary. Dr. Russo followed me inside to the infirmary to one of the private recovery rooms towards the back of the infirmary. Softly, I placed Ally on the bed before giving room to Dr. Russo to conduct his examination.

I watched as he conducted his tests. He drew blood, checked her temperature and vitals, tested her blood for any drugs or medical diagnosis and once he was done, he set her up on morphine and other fluids.

"Can you explain to me what happened in the car, Dominic? Was it seizure-like symptoms or something else to cause her to shake?" Dr. Russo was one of the few people I would allow to call me by my first name.

"Seizures? Is that one her file, or on her tests?"

"Not on file and the tests need time before I can get results but there shouldn't be a reason for sudden seizures unless there was head trauma."

"No trauma doc. She was fine one minute then passes out after a little talking to I had with her. Never even touched the girl and she nearly dies from my presence."

Dr. Russo took a moment to document his tests and results before looking back at me.

"My guess has she had a severe panic attack. The only thing out of normal was her heart rate and her increase in sweat and lack of color. The blood rushed to her vital organs as she prepared to go into shock. A large amount of sweat started to produce which caused her skin to become clammy and then cold. Most severe panic attack patients tend to hypervalent, shake, incoherent responses, fainting, delusional behaviors etc. The drastic changes probably caused her to go into shock. She will need rest to recover an attack this grand. She might be out for 12-48 hours depending on how fast her brain can heal itself. You can keep her down here with 24-hour care with my team or keep her on the main floor."

I took a long hard look at Ally in the bed. Doc had her changed out of her clothes and in the pale blue patient gowns. The color of her skin slowly crept back, every minute color popped somewhere on her pale face. Her breathing was stabilized and her heart rate was back to normal. I could sense she felt better in the infirmary. Besides, I have an organization to run, I didn't have time to wait on her hand and foot.

"She will be here. I want 2 guards by the door at all times. I also want daily reports on her health. If she wakes up, I expect a 9-1-1 text immediately. Understood?" Dr. Russo nodded before dispersing.

I glanced over at Ally one final time before leaving her to rest. I had too much to prepare for now that I brought my bride home.

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