Sit Down

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A few decades later, here I am again! I know it's been forever and a day, but sometimes writer's block takes days, weeks or months to get over.


Mama greeted us with open arms when we exited the car. There was quite a difference in the amount of love she poured into Dominic's hug than she did with mine, but there wasn't enough time to complain before she pushed us into the house. Papa wasn't home yet, but I could tell he was on his way home from the anxiety pouring from mama's aura.

Roberto was home reading in the living room when we entered. He smiled but didn't bother to get up from his seat.

"Mama, why are you pushing us?" I stammered as I stumbled to the couch across from Roberto. Dominic took a seat close beside me.

"I don't want your father to see you at the door. No telling what he might do."

"That's why we're here today. This stops now." Dominic declared.

"No, that's why I'm here. You promised I would get the chance to deal with this without you. I'm talking to him by myself." I hissed to Dominic.

This conversation was already causing such drama in the famiglia; I don't need Dominic to add more fuel to the already out-of-control fire. Papa will be more willing to talk to me than Dominic.

"Alessandra is right. Papa will castrate Dominic before he gets the chance to speak." Roberto chimed in.

"Alessandra, why don't you go wait in Papa's study? I'll keep Dominic busy on the terrace." Mama ordered. She came over to grab Dominic off the couch before we could give an answer.

It was the perfect timing for mama to whisk Dominic away. The moment the backdoor shut, I heard a car approaching the front door. Roberto looked through the window and shot me a thumbs up, confirming it was Papa who had arrived.

Roberto and I rushed over to Papa's study before he could walk through the door.

"You're going to stay with me?" I asked him as we sat in front of Papa's desk.

"Hell yes! I need to see this train wreck up close and personal."

"TERESO! ROBERTO! Who's car is outside?" Papa yelled out from the front door.

"We're in your office, Papa!" Roberto called out.

The most intense and terrifying moments were listening to Papa's footsteps stomp towards the office door. He hated us being in his office space when he wasn't home. It was one of our many rules to follow as a child growing up. We thought it was because we were kids and would mess up his work, but he hid his involvement in illegal trades.

Papa opened the door with haste. I heard a soft gasp come from his lips when his eyes lay on me. My heart skipped a beat when I laid eyes on him. It's been months since I've seen him. I could see how much he had changed in such little time apart. His gentle green eyes were dull and tired. It complimented his dark heavy eye bags very well. His posture was slouched to showcase the growing hump on the upper part of his back. There was no joy on his face like before. The always smiling, gentle soul was now rigid, cold and mean.

"What are you doing here?" Papa asked coldly. He walked passed Roberto and me to his chair. He barely made eye contact as he tried to log into his computer.

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