Dinner date

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Double chapter Like I promised... Remember to let me know in the COMMENTS IF YOU GUYS WOULD LIKE ONE CHAPTER EVERY WEEK OR TWO CHAPTERS EVERY TWO WEEKS! I need to know so I can hurry and finish this book and officially post the third book that I've been working on.



Once I heard Dominic's footsteps going down the wooden step, I rummaged quickly through my suitcase to find my cellphone still hidden. Relieved, I dialed my father's number hoping for an answer.

"Alessandra?" He questioned roughly.

"Yes, papa it's me." A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he put me on speaker.

"Oh Bella, the whole family is here waiting for your call. We thought you've been caught...or worse" Mama cried out. Her voice was enough to bring me instant comfort even though I couldn't touch her.

"No, sorry mama. I...um...had...had a panic attack again. This time was pretty bad. I was out for a few days."

"WHAT?! You haven't had a panic attack in years. Are you okay, how bad was it?" Rob questioned.

"The doctor said I'm okay. I was out for a few days I believe. Don't remember much. I just got released to my room, thankfully the brute gave me a separate room. Unfortunately, it's across the hall from his."

"Where is he now? Is it safe to speak?" Papa wondered.

"He left me to unpack. He's off to handle business apparently. I just needed to hear your voices. I'll call you guys the moment I can."

"Okay Amore, be safe and call soon. We all love you."

The line cut and I sighed in relief. My family was safe and I was alive and healthy. I lost my courage after the car incident. Seeing the demon come out of Dominic, the boy I use to dream of yell and threaten me with such rage and darkness scared me. It made me question my strength to get back home. It made me weak. I'm more than happy to hear my family's voice. It brought the fire back to my spirit.

As I healed in the arms of my capturer, I have to mentally prepare myself for the journey ahead. Dominic is right, he couldn't accept the disrespect I was giving him in front of his people. Disrespect in his world is an unofficial way to ask for death. If I was going to get back home to my family and my old life then I needed to play this game smart. I have to stop thinking about emotion and start using my brain.

I could tell Dominic was getting annoyed with my good girl attitude. He's already short tempered so my yes sir attitude really doesn't help the situation. But I couldn't care less, I have too much on my mind to worry about his ego.

Once I had everything unpacked and settled, a maid came to my room to give me my medication and a request for my appearance at dinner in 20 minutes. I hadn't realized that it was near 6 pm and I haven't eaten a thing!

I had to shower and change before dinner. I changed into a long navy blue halter summer dress and matching blue sandals. Right on cue, the maid came back to escort me to the dining room downstairs. If she never came back, I would have gotten lost in this huge estate.

My mouth dropped when I saw the grand dining room. The room was extraordinary yet inviting. The beige walls with crown molding and accents matched well with the 7-foot long dark mahogany dining table centered in the room. There were two large white thrown chairs at each end of the table and one of the sides were modern dark leather armed chairs.

Dominic was already sitting in one of the white throne chairs waiting to be served. There were only 2 plates set up which meant we were having dinner alone. I expected to be seated far away on the other side but the maids placed my plate right next to Dominic.

I tried my very hardest to keep my head down as I sat beside the Devil incarnation. I wanted to show him and the rest of his family that I am cooperative and frankly...willing to fall in love with this man. It will make our downfall of the 'marriage' easier to believe if I looked like I was ready to love him.

Dinner was served quickly. Tonight option was roasted chicken breast with a sweet potato puree and mix vegetables. The meal smelled amazing but was nothing close to the aroma of Mama's cooking.

I waited for Dominic to start eating before I started. The last thing I needed was for him to yell at me for being rude by eating first. My heart literally can't handle another panic attack. I expected us to eat in silence yet I was wrong.

"Are you settled into your room?" Dominic started, annoyance was clear in his voice.

"Yes." The less I spoke, the less he had to be mad about. Still, the look of irritation washed over him.

"Tomorrow night we are having dinner with my family to discuss the wedding. I expect you to be on your best behavior."

The wedding is approaching faster than I thought! In the ideal world, I can end all of this by the time of the wedding but something tells me that Dominic was cooking up a plan on his own.

"Of course...I'm quite...excited." I tried my hardest to keep the bile down as I lied through my teeth.

Once Dominic and I have finished dinner, the maids came to clear the table and the maid who came to get me was waiting by the opening to escort me back.

Before I could get up from my seat, Dominic cleared his voiced and stood quickly from his seat. He gave the maid a weird look and she nodded and disappeared into the dark. What the hell? How am I suppose to get back to my room?

Dominic poured himself a glass of Bourbon before walking out the dining room.

"I suggest you pick up the pace, Ally." He muttered before disappearing.

Everything inside me was told me to forget Dominic and try to find my way back to my room. The look Dominic gave me made me uneasy. He was serious yet a hint of mischief was behind his stone glare. I know that Dominic knew I wanted out and I would do anything to get myself out of this situation. Yet, I knew he wanted out as well, just as long as it doesn't hurt is reputation or business. For all, I know Dominic was leading me to a trap. Yet if I back down now, he get's an upper hand.

So like the crazy woman that I am, I decided to follow him. I wanted to show him that I was ready for anything he throws my way.

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