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"You live here?" I ask quietly.

"Yep!" Alice says, dragging me towards the house.

I get nervous and hesitate before walking into the house. I look around at my surroundings in awe. Their smell is everywhere, so I have to rely on hearing and seeing. I hear something behind me and I go into a defensive position by instinct.

"Woah, calm down. We won't hurt you." an older man says.

I slowly stand back up and quietly apologize to him. A woman walks in and I start to feel restless, I feel uncomfortable, scared. Suddenly Emmett comes into the room with Edward and Jasper behind him. I find myself facing all seven of the Cullens and I start to feel small. I then feel a sense of calmness and I look at Jasper, who just smiles.

I enjoy my time with them and go hunting with them. My fear of them soon vanishes as I get to know them better. Though, I still feel nervous around Jasper and I don't know why. I walk out of their house and sit on the wooden steps. I look out into the forest and let out a heavy sigh. My life now keeps me on my toes and never gets boring, but sometimes I just want a break from it all. I smell Jasper as he comes outside and sits beside me. We sit in silence for a while until I stand up.

"I should go now. I enjoyed myself." I say as I walk down the stairs.

I feel Jasper grab my arm and I turn around, hissing as I push his arm off me and I get into a defensive position. Suddenly, the rest of the Cullens are outside, watching us. Fear fills me and I slowly back away before spinning around and sprinting away, ignoring my name being called.

{Jasper's POV!}

Shit! I knew I messed up as soon as my hand reached out to stop her from walking away, but I wasn't prepared for her reaction. I was taken aback when she hissed at me defensively. I quickly let her go as my family came out of the house. Fear came from Y/N as she backed away from us slowly. She ran off and I called out to her along with Alice, but we stopped when Carlisle told us to.

"Jasper, what made her hiss at you?" Esme asked me softly.

I explain to them what happened and I'm a little upset with myself. Alice said that Y/N would come around eventually, she just needed space and time. We went back into the house and went our separate ways. I stayed in my room, laying on my daybed couch. I looked out into the forest, thinking about random things until Y/N came to mind. I sighed as I closed my eyes. I was conflicted, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to get to know her, but I ended up pushing her away.

The next day was too sunny for us to go to school, so we stayed home. I went out into the forest and to the steep hill, hoping I would find Y/N. I was surprised to see her standing below the hill. She looked up at me before jumping up and landing beside me. She stands up straight and turns to look at me, she still had a little bit of blood on her chin from feeding. I didn't want to startle her again, so I pointed to my own chin. I couldn't help but smile as she quickly wiped the blood away.

"Um... I wanted to apologize to you about yesterday." she quietly.

"If anything, I'm the one that should be apologizing." I say.

Y/N gives a small smile as the sun hits us and our skin starts to sparkle. Y/N quickly stepped back into the shadows of the trees and pulled her hood up to cover her face from the sun. I quickly understood why she didn't want to be in the sun.

"Um... want to go on a run?" Y/N asked quietly.

I smiled and ran past her, I turned to see her quickly catching up. She was fast and she seemed to enjoy herself as she ran. Y/N caught up and smirked before running ahead of me. I smiled and ran after her. We ended up stopping at a field of flowers and Y/N turned to me with a smile.

"You're not so bad, but if this was a race, I would've won." she says.

"Oh, really?" I ask with a smirk.

Y/N chuckles, "yes."

We walk back to the hill and talk. Y/N was a nice girl who seemed to have had a nice life before she turned. She talked about how she loved the life she had before, even with its troubles.

"I would rather have had the vampire just kill me if I knew I would be living like this, but since I'm here, I will fight to survive." she said quietly, looking ahead of her with the smallest hint of a smile.

We reach the hill and Y/N says goodbye before jumping down the hill. I smile as I walk back to the house, I could feel happiness from her, though there was still a slight trace of fear. I barely stepped foot into the house when Alice jumped in front of me with a smile. I looked at her and sighed.

"Let me guess, you know." I said.

"Yes, actually, I had met her last night and we became very close friends!" Alice says happily.

I shake my head while smiling. I notice Edward's scent is gone and frown, he must have gone to watch that Swan girl. None of us were overjoyed about it and were trying to convince Edward to just leave her alone. I remember Rosalie telling me to not try and make friends with Y/N, but now she really likes Y/N. I hang out with my family for the rest of the day until Alice tells us some bad news.

Rosy Thorns {Jasper x Fem! Vampire reader}[Finished]Where stories live. Discover now