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it's just a doll, jake.

PERKS OF LIVING IN an home with barely any supervision was the charm of leaving without anyone even noticing.

Ruby had always wondered off, her mother being to drunk half of the time to even realize her daughter was missing.

Maybe, that's why her and Jake had been a perfect match for each other of all these years. They both had no one but one another.

"A yard sale. Let's check it out?" Jake nearly fainted as he seen the collection of tables, old items sprawled out on the tops of them.

She rolled her eyes as she followed behind him, she had never fully understood his fascination with toys, or should I say dolls.

He grazed his fingertips among the smaller collectibles, most of them being junk that his dad would probably throw away.

That was until he came upon a red headed doll, his pupils growing largely as he picked it up, examining it precisely.

"Another one? C'mon, Jake. You've got an obsession. You're like a hoarder." Ruby scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the boy.

He rolled his eyes as he softly pushed her shoulder, "I need to finish my project. I'm almost done."

An older woman came behind the table, flicking her eyes between the two teenagers as they quickly shoved each other.

"Can I help you?" She asked, plastering a smile on her small lips as she greeted them.

"How much for him?" Jake turned the doll, furrowing his brows.

She shrugged, "20$"

Before Jake could reply, Ruby stepped in front of him, "that's a lot for a retro doll. Nobody else is gonna buy it. How about 10?"

"Deal." The nameless woman pursed her lips, reaching out to grab the crinkled up bill from the boys hand as she watched the teens take off.

"Thanks." Jake clutched the doll, their shoulders softly bumping into one another's as they walked down their street.

Ruby tucked her dark hair behind her small ears, rolling her eyes playfully at her best friend, "It's what I do best, Wheeler."

The pair walked up the rotting stairs of his family home, both of them petting his cat hello before jogging up to the second floor and into his bedroom.

She shut the door behind her, her eyes going wide at the tall sculpture planted in the middle of his cluttered room.

"Wow." Was as she managed to say as she circled around it.

"Cool, right?" Jake smiled, clearly impressed with his artwork as he set the newly bought toy down on his dresser.

She hummed, "It's definitely artwork."

Jake wrapped his arm around Chucky's head, yanking upwards, he pulled his brows together as the dolls head seemed to be stuck.

"Need some help?" Ruby teased as she walked over to him, yanking the toy from him as she trapped the plastic into a headlock.

"You did so much. Thanks." Jake scoffed as he turned his back to her.

Ruby flicked him off as she placed the old doll back into the dresser, ignoring the eery feeling she had gotten from touching it.

Jake searched through his top draws, pulling out the small pocket knife as he flicked the blade up, turning around once more, "let's see what you're really made of."

"Creepy." Ruby muttered as she flopped onto his bed, her hair sprawling around her as she glanced at the ceiling.

The sound of the front door being opened had them both jumping in their skin, the loud voice of Jake's father made them both cringe.

"I'm home!" His father yelled, kicking off his work boots by the door.

Soon, the man began to hurry up the steps, making Ruby shuffle as far away as she could from the curly headed boy with panic in her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?" A child's voice rang through their ears as the door was swung open.

"Jake? Oh, Ruby." Lucas dropped his shoulders as his eyes glanced at the girl, them flickering them back to his son, "more dolls?"

Ruby chuckled awkwardly, "he's got an addiction at this point, Mr. Wheeler."

"I know." The older man smiled, "you're uncle is coming over for dinner. Ruby. you're welcome to join us."

"I will! Thanks." Ruby waved as he shut the door, her hand dropped to her thigh as she glanced at Jake with wide eyes.

Jake shook his head, dropping the knife down into the draw, "I can't stand him. I can't stand them."

"Saved you an ass beating." Ruby gripped his shoulders, making him stumble slightly as he wriggled in her tight grip.

"Fuck off, Rub."

authors note <3
hi loves! first chapter so pls bare
with me. also! there is no transcript for this
series anywhere so most of it will be based off
memory. if any of u notice a mistake or anything pls
ignore it.

anyways! i love y'all. enjoy this ;)

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