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Going back home.

THE TWO PASSED OUT at the graveyard, waking up to their phones buzzing insanely, Ruby groaned as she opened her phone, she sat up immediately as she shook the boy beside her awake.

"Jake! Holy shit. Lexy's house caught on fire last night. I fucking told you! Juniors in the hospital. So is Devon. Let's go." She adjusted her creme colored sweatshirt, scurrying to her feet as she pulled the half sleeping boy up with her.

Jake stumbled to his feet, rubbing his eyes as she followed her out of the cemetery, squinting as the sun shined down on them.

The walk was far to long, their feet exhausted by the time they'd arrived, as they walked in they noticed two parents standing at the desk, crying in each other's arms.

Then, Lexy came down the hall. She halted as she laid eyes on the two, "Jake? Ruby? You're here."

The duo gasped as she'd caught them off guard, them both relaxing as they saw the familiar face.

"Chucky did it." Lexy informed them, barely giving them a second to settle in, "Did he kill your dad too?"

Jake's eyes widened, forming his lips into a flat line as he nodded.

"Holy shit!" She yelled, the surrounding nurses shooting her wearily looks, she lowered her voice slightly, "I mean, fuck. How?"

"I don't know." Jake lied, shrugging.

She furrowed her brows, still in utter shock, "Well, when did you guys find out?"

"Talent show." They said in sync.

"So that was him talking? For real talking?" Lexy shook her head, arms crossed over her chest.

Ruby nodded, "Yeah."

"What a dick."

"Where is he?" Jake glanced around, more focused on finding the doll than anything,

Lexy dropped her arms to her sides, "Well, last I saw him, he was in my room, surrounded by fire, after he tried to kill me."

"But you didn't see him die?" Ruby interfered, side glancing the boy beside her.

"No but I mean, half of the house burned down-"

Jake cut her off, "No it doesn't matter. Okay, I have to find him and make sure he's dead, 'cause if he's not, he's gonna come after you again?"

"Why?" Her face scrunched up in confusion, "Jake, why is your doll coming after me?"

"Cause-I-I told him to." Jake admitted, his brows lowering as a guilty look took over his features.

Lexy was completely dumbfounded, her lips parting as she shook her head, "You gave that thing to my sister. You knew what he was and you put him in my house anyway. Jake, did you tell him to kill me?"

Jake stood their in silence, knowing he wouldn't be able to put on a straight face and lie.

"Oh, you freak!" Lexy yelled, creating distance between them as she scrunched her face up in disgust, "You're so dead."

As she began to walk away, Jake grabbed her wrist, pulling her back, "Where are you going?"

"Get off of me." She snapped her wrist out of his grip, narrowing her eyes at the curly headed boy.

"You can't tell anyone." He spat back.

She cocked a brow in challenge, "Watch me."

"Look, anyone who's told the truth about Chucky has either been put away or worse. Mostly worse." Jake shook his head lowly.

"No one's going to believe you." Ruby added, "It's just us."

Jake darted his tongue out to dampen his cracked lips before speaking, "I know you're pissed at me right now, but at least you're still alive-"

"Oliver isn't." The blonde cut him off, clear discomfort on her features as she spoke of the now deceased friend.

"What?" Jake furrowed his brows.

She sighed, "He died. He died in the fire. A fire that wouldn't have even happened if you didn't send that thing after me. Maybe I'm still alive, but that doesn't mean you didn't kill anyone at the party. Stay the hell away from me."

He watched the girl stomp away as he called for her, "Lexy!"

Ruby groaned as she shook her head, Jake shot her a look.

"Why are you annoyed?" He asked.

"Because of this entire thing, Jake! Like seriously. A fucking killer doll is on the loose and killing our classmates. And part of it is our fault." Ruby ranted, her brows coming together as her shoulders dropped.

He just stared at the ground speechless.

"I think I'm just gonna go back home with my mom. I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to stay with you anymore." She nodded, watching him lift his head out with a small frown.

"No. You don't have to leave. It's not your fault. Please." He begged.

She stepped back, "No, Jake. This is our fault. I could've stopped you. I'll see you around."

He watched her leave, feeling helpless as she disappeared out of the hospital doors, the night taking her away from his eye sight.

Authors note!!
Hi baes!!

☄. *. ⋆ LOST LIVING, J.WNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ