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party mayhem.

RUBY SPLATTERED THE FAKE blood around her mouth, the dye surely staining her pale skin as the vampire teeth poked her bottom lip uncomfortably.

The blood dropped to her collar bones, the crimson color reflecting in the bathroom lights of the Wheeler residence, she sighed as she tugged down the black dress.

Jake knocked at the door, an unreadable expression on his face, his fingers tapping his sides with panic.

"Hey? Everything okay?" Ruby asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

He shook he head, releasing a small sigh, "have you seen Chucky?"


"We have to go now." Jake barely gave her time to double check herself as he dragged her down the steps, her tripping over her own feet as they stumbled into Logan's car.

Ruby fixed her straight her, rolling her eyes at her best friend as her appearance only got messier due to her getting treated like some rag doll.

Logan bid goodbye to the two as he drove away, Oliver's home having people crowding around it, the loud music bouncing off the walls of the large estate could be heard from outside.

The girl was still clueless to the situation, her following behind Jake as the avoided touching the clumped crowds.

"I'm gonna go find Chucky. We need to split up, alright? Meet me here if you find him." Jake quickly disappeared into the crowd, barely giving her time to reply.

"Whatever." She grumbled.

Ruby's fingertips danced along the banister as she walked up the steps, halting her movements as Lexy suddenly came out of one room, an annoyed look on her face.

The blonde glanced at the girl opposite of her, looking her up and down with disgust, making Ruby pull her flannel over her body in self consciousness.

Lexy pushed past her shoulder, her friend closely behind her as she smiled gently at the dark haired girl.

Ruby poked her head into the room, expecting it to be empty, instead Junior sat on the edge of the bed, his hands over his face.

"Junior?" Ruby mumbled, her footsteps making him shoot up, quickly regaining himself.

"Ruby." Junior croaked, clearing his throat as he stood in front of her, the two standing a small distance apart in the hallway.

Their close approximately made her heart skip a beat, her lips parting, "Um, are you, sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Thanks." Junior formed his lips into a flat line.

"I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that. I didn't think anyone would be in there." Ruby gulped, playing with her shaking hands, smiling awkwardly as she glanced down at her boots.

He nodded, "that's fine. I was just leaving anyways. I'll catch you later."

And with that he was gone in a flash, most likely venturing off to find the snotty blonde he'd been in love with, her stomach turned with anger at the thought of the two together.

She sighed, a creak to her left made her snap her head over towards the commotion, the realization setting in that she was completely alone.

"Chucky?" She whispered, her heart pounding in her chest as she glanced at the bed, waiting for the red headed doll to pop out at any moment.

There was complete silence.

She stepped back, hurrying away from the room as she walked down the long hallway, coming across a steep staircase heading downwards, loud voices in the distant.

Her boots hit the concrete steps, her ducking her head down only to find the person she avoided the entire night, Lexy Cross.

"What do you want?" She spat, her little sister sitting before her as she held a game controller, the blonde crouched down as she glared up at her.

That's when she noticed the red headed doll behind her, standing up on his legs as he gripped the knife.

But Ruby didn't move, she was frozen in place. Why wasn't she running to stop up? Did she even want to stop him?

"No!" Jake yelled, brushing past the girl as he ran to fetch his doll, Devon following behind him quickly.

Chucky dropped the knife into his front pocket, falling back down into a sitting position as Jake scooped him up.

Junior standing on the steps as Jake ran back up them with no words,

"Sorry." Ruby muttered, hurrying up the steps as she followed the curly headed boy.

authors note <3

hi my loves!!!!

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