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feeling guilty.

RUBY SLEPT WITH HER back facing the boy, clearly upset with his harsh words as she couldn't even bare to look at him.

The morning was worse though, he attempted to speak to her but she ignored him, instead closing the door in his face as she headed downstairs and out the front door, completely abandoning him.

She sat alone on the bus, keeping her legs across the remainder of the seat, taking up all of the space as Jake passed.

He frowned slightly as he moved to the seat a couple rows back, his leg bouncing up and down as he sat alone.

The bus came to a stop, Ruby hurrying to get off to avoid bumping into the curly headed boy she had been attempting to avoid the entire morning.

She opened her locker, seeing the boy approach, she quickly stuffed her books inside and readjusted her back pack straps before stomping away, barely giving him the chance to say a peep.

Jake shook his head, sighing lowly to himself in guilt.

Ruby sat in first period, Lexy and Junior suspected to be missing, but Jake wasn't there either. The conversation he'd had last night came in her head, her stomach completely dropping as she scurried to slip her phone out her back pocket.

Her lips parted as she looked at his location, far away from the school and on the running trail. He was going after her.

She didn't bother to excuse herself as she threw her bag over her shoulder, rushing out of biology, yelling an apology as her teacher sat there in confusion.

"No. Please." Ruby muttered as she pushed the doors open, her legs working quickly as she exited the school building, heading straight up the leafy path.

A blue hoodie caught her eye, the person running at a quick pace, Ruby rushed to catch up with them.

"Lexy!" She shouted, making the mystery person come to a halt and turn around.

"Ruby?" Lexy yanked her hoodie down, looking at the girl in confusion, her chest rose up and down rapidly.

A wave of relief passed through the girl, she glanced around at her surroundings, "Look, Lexy, it's not safe to be out here alone."

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Lexy panted.

"Just listened to me, okay? Go. Get out of here while you can. I know we're not friends but just you need to listen to me and run." Ruby advised, hearing faint yelling in the distance.

Lexy slowly backed up, nodding her head, clearly she was weirded out but she didn't seem to falter, taking off running as she turned back.

Leaves crunched underneath her feet as she walked across to the opposite path, the jean jacket covering someone's shoulders caught her eye as she immediately recognized them.

"Jake?" Ruby mumbled under her breathe as she neared the boy, "What the fuck are you doing?"

He spun around at her voice, pulling his brows together, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

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