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Devon's telling.

RUBY STEPPED BACK AS her body had collided with another, her heart pounding in her chest as she sighed in relief at the familiar face.

"Jesus, Devon." Ruby panted, "You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing out of your hospital bed?"

"Have you seen Jake?" Devon asked, completely disregarding her question.

Ruby nodded, "Your moms got him."

"Shit. Okay." He turned rather quickly, beginning to walk away before Ruby made him turn back.

"Wait, hold on. What's going on?" She cocked a brow, observing his slightly distressed state as he glanced around.

He stepped closer to her, keeping his voice low, "I need to talk to him. I found out some stuff about his doll."

"His doll? What is it?" Ruby questioned, furrowing her brows.

"It'll sound crazy." He faltered, darting his tongue out to glide over his chapped lips before his shoulder dropped.

Ruby darted her eyes between his dark ones, "Devon, just tell me."

"Come back to my room. We can talk there." Devon gestured his head down the hall, watching her nod as she quickly followed behind him.

She watched as he shut his hospital room door, walking over to his bed as he grabbed his phone, glancing up at her as she stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Are you scared to sit?"

"Oh, right." Ruby chuckled lightly, sitting beside him as she played with the loose strings of her jeans X

He smiled gently, "Okay, so. Charles Lee Ray, the famous serial killer from Hackensack. Are you familiar with him?"

"You could say that." The girl raised her brows as she looked at the ground.

"Well, anyways, Charles Lee Ray was a serial killer who died in the 80's. I mean, He terrorized Chicago  for years. Prolific. They call him the Lakeshore Strangler, but he never really strangled anyone. I mean, he was more of, like, a mangler or a butcher-"

Ruby scrunched her face at him, "Devon, the point?"

"Fine.Do you know the website Urban Legend: Fact or Fiction?" He asked, holding his phone in his right hand as he typed.

She shook her head, "Never heard of it."

"Well, there's this urban legend about Charles Lee Ray. It's crazy, but who knows? Maybe not. It's about a Good Guy doll."

"Chucky." Ruby muttered, folding her hands in her lap.

Devon eyed her carefully, not being able to point out what had been off about her state as he continued to ramble, "Exactly. You see, Charles Lee Ray was shot and killed in a toy store in Chicago, but supposedly, right before he died, he transferred his soul to a Good Guy doll, and that doll is still out there killing, supposedly."

"It's not a legend, Devon." She looked up at him, lips parted as she watched him chuckle in disbelief.

"Come on." He swallowed, shaking his head.

Ruby had a serious expression on her features, "You have to believe me. Chucky is alive. I know it sounds crazy but...he's trying to kill Jake and Lexy."

"Why not you?"

"I don't know." Ruby glanced to the left, her finger fiddling with each other as her leg bounced up and down.

Devon could tell she was lying, but not what she had been being untruthful about exactly, "You're lying, Rub. My mothers a cop, she's an expert with liars. Tell me the truth, please."

"Charles Lee Ray. He's my uncle. And I'm not just making it up, like, how someone will tell you that they're related to Lady Gaga or some shit. I have proof if you don't believe me. I think he's not trying to kill me because he thinks I'm like him."

"Are you?" The boy hesitated.

"If i was you'd probably be dead by now. But that's not the point, Devon. Chucky is alive and trying to kill everyone. And if we don't stop him now then Jake or Lexy is gonna show up dead." Ruby ranted, her head falling into her hands.

Devon placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, okay? We're gonna figure this out. We just gotta find him first.

Ruby opened her mouth to speak, shutting it as alarms rang, the sounds of running footsteps taking off down the hall had both of the teens jumping off the hospital bed and sprinting towards the sounds.

Lexy and Jake stood out of Caroline's hospital room, the large glass window allowing them to peek inside as nurses and doctors assisted to her.

Devon and Ruby stood beside them, greeting them slightly as they all stared through the window.

That's when Ruby noticed a large pooling pile of blood, her eyes widening as she nudged the curly headed boy next to her.

He glanced down at her, following her eyes as his face became pale.

A nurse stepped back, her eyes trailing up the sight of crimson, she furrowed her brows in confusion, walking slightly to the opposite side of the bed to investigate, a blood curling scream leaving her lips.

Chucky sat on the counter top, his eyes watching the teens look at the gruesome scene in horror.

Ruby glanced up, locking eyes with the doll, chills running up her spine.

The three friends caught on, looking at the bloody, burned, and angry Chucky, he lifted his finger in the air, flashing them all a big fuck you.

This scene was the funniest things ever.
Rip tho to donut stealer cop man??

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