Chapter 1: The Promise

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Hera's POV


Here I am again, on my throne, waiting for my cheating husband to show up.

Despite my deep love for him, contemplating divorce pains me deeply, especially considering my role as the goddess of marriage. The thought of divorcing Zeus feels humiliating.

The time checked—2:00 am—and he's still nowhere to be found. Memories flood back of a time when he was loyal.

I wish his loyalty could have been everlasting. Yet, as mortals say, everything in this world is temporary, a cruel truth mirrored in my life.

I sat patiently on my throne, drifting into my own world of memories.


"Zeus, where are you taking me? Why am I blindfolded?" I asked, feeling a cool breeze, hinting we were somewhere beyond Olympus.

"It's a surprise, my love," his deep voice replied.

"Can you offer a clue?" I pleaded sweetly.

"No. You're too wise. Giving any hint might spoil the surprise. It wouldn't be a surprise if you knew what was to come," he explained.

Sigh... "You have a point," I conceded, feeling disappointed.


My blindfold fell away, revealing a scene that warmed and pained my heart simultaneously—a beautiful candlelight dinner with a panoramic view of Olympus.

"Do you like it? I prepared it just for you," he said, guiding me to my chair.

"No," I tried to keep a straight face.

His warm smile faded. "But I-"

"I love it," I quickly interjected, replacing my facade with genuine warmth.

We laughed and conversed throughout the night.

"Zeus, it was a wonderful night. Thank you for this delightful dinner," I expressed my gratitude.

"It truly was. I had fun with you, my love."

He tenderly kissed my hands resting on the table, a blush forming on my ears.

Rising from his chair, he knelt before me, holding my hands.

As he gazed at me, emotions danced in his eyes—love dominating, tinged with a hint of worry and hesitation.

"Hera, I love you entirely. When I first saw you, my heart knew you were meant for me. I married Metis despite this realization. But the prophecy about my dethronement clarified it all. Metis wasn't the one. You are. Hera, will you honor me by becoming my queen and marrying me?" he implored, his eyes brimming with love and affection.

Tears of joy welled up as I nodded. "YES! Zeus, yes! I will marry you!"

With exhilaration, he exclaimed, "YES. SHE'S MARRYING ME!!!"

From his pocket, he retrieved a velvet box, revealing a stunning ring that sparkled in the moonlight.

From his pocket, he retrieved a velvet box, revealing a stunning ring that sparkled in the moonlight

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Approaching me, he gently placed the ring on my finger, a perfect fit that flushed my cheeks.

"How did you know the size?" I asked, astonished yet captivated by its beauty.

"I have my ways," he teased, lifting my chin to meet his electric blue gaze.

"Beautiful. I'm the luckiest immortal," he sighed contently, eyes peering into my soul.

"Hera, my love, I adore you more than anything in existence. And with that, I make five promises to you."

"The first pledge is an eternal love—a boundless devotion that shall envelop you, providing every ounce of love you desire and deserve."

"Secondly, I vow to grant your every material desire, from exquisite jewelry to vast domains, ensuring your every whim finds fulfillment."

"Thirdly, I solemnly pledge unwavering loyalty to our marriage, striving always to be faithful."

"Fourth, I'll stand by you unfailingly, never absent when you need me most. Your safety will forever be my priority, and I won't forgive myself if I'm not by your side."

"Lastly, my fifth vow is to craft a magnificent sanctuary solely for us, a place of unparalleled beauty where only we may tread, unless you invite others into its sanctum."

End of Flashback

Sigh... Oh, how I yearn for those bygone days... Foolish me for falling for that cheating scoundrel. He only kept the first and fifth promises.

How could he discard his promises so easily? Tears welled up, my heart echoing the question repeatedly.

Did he truly love me?

Third Person's POV

Unaware, Hera dozed off on her throne, a shattered heart and tear-stained eyes waiting for Zeus.


(I do not own photos from this chapter. I just found them on Pinterest)

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