Chapter 2: Oh, no

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Zeus's POV

Here I am, immersed in revelry, dancing, and indulging in libations like a reckless mortal. Apollo and Hermes invited me into their mortal revelry at a club.

"Father, perhaps it's time to head back. It's getting late," Apollo suggested cautiously.

"Why leave? Olympus is dull. I'm having a blast here," I retorted angrily, downing yet another shot of vodka.

"Father, you're not yourself. Hera won't be pleased to see you like this," Hermes cautioned, his voice tinged with concern.

"This could lead to another mortal entanglement if we don't return," Apollo stressed.

"I'm not drunk. Mortal drinks have no effect on me. I'm the king of the gods, the most powerful being. LEAVE ME IF YOU WANT TO GO HOME, I CARE NOT!" I snapped, shoving past them and seizing the attention of a blonde woman to dance.

Flashes signaled Apollo and Hermes leaving as I found myself lost in revelry with Amber, a mortal journalist.

The night blurred into a haze of drinks, laughter, conversation, and dance, my senses dulled by exhaustion and inebriation.


Hera's POV

I awoke to a harsh beam of light stinging my eyes, accompanied by a throbbing, stiff neck. I let out a groan.


It felt like Tartarus itself. I worked my neck, rotating it until a satisfying snap echoed. Ah, that felt relieving. As my eyes adjusted to the light, the realization hit me—I was in the throne room.

Wait, did I spend the entire night here, waiting for that wretched man? Oh, he'll face my wrath when he returns.

Third Person's POV

Zeus awoke on an uncomfortably lumpy bed, a mortal woman beside him. 'What happened last night?' he pondered, groaning in vexation.

He gingerly peeled back the covers, his frustration mounting as he acknowledged Apollo's warning had been accurate. Once again, he had succumbed to temptation. It was 6:00 in the morning. As he prepared to teleport to Olympus, a soft voice called out his name.

"Zeus," she whispered. "Where are you going? Will I ever see you again?" Her tone tugged at Zeus' heartstrings.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but this marks our final encounter. I have pressing matters to attend to back home," he lamented.

"Goodbye and good luck," she replied, echoing Zeus' somber expression. He felt a pang of concern, realizing he might have left more than memories behind, possibly even a child.

Zeus then vanished, returning to Olympus using the swirling mist.

(Time skip to previous time)

Zeus found Hera's early awakening surprising; it was a rare occurrence. He couldn't ignore the anger shimmering in her eyes—a sight that never failed to send shivers down his spine. 'Here we go again,' he sighed inwardly.

"Where were you last night?" Hera's voice, calm yet chilling, prompted Zeus's nervousness to peak. Her wrath surpassed all of his fears.

"I was with Apollo and Hermes," he replied, trying to mask his unease.

"Oh, I see. Why didn't you return home with them?" Hera's demeanor remained stoic, her expression unreadable.

Hermes and Apollo had returned promptly at 12:33 am, leaving Zeus at the club, per his wish.

"I stayed because I was enjoying myself. It was my leisure time," Zeus stated flatly.

"ZEUS!!! YOU'RE A KING!!! THERE'S NO LEISURE IN RULING A KINGDOM!!!" Hera's disbelief resonated in her vehement words.

"I AM A KING, HERA, AND AS KING, I DO AS I PLEASE!!!" Zeus's frustration surged each time Hera raised her voice.

Their heated argument escalated, shaking Olympus, fierce winds billowing, and thunderclouds veiling the sky in their rage.

The discord came to an abrupt halt with a flash of blinding light, restoring calm to Olympus. Before them stood the three Fates. Both Zeus and Hera hurriedly composed themselves, bowing in deference.

The Fates began reciting a prophecy in a serene yet solemn tone:

"In realms twain, a child powerful, foretold,"

"Shall unseat a king whose words are cold."

"Daughter born of Titan's grace,"

"Bears the child, fate's interlace."

"Trials, their genesis in tears and betrayal's spree,"

"Yet triumph emerges in smiles, laughter's glee."

"A kingdom anew from the trials born,"

"A worthy sovereign claims the throne's adorn."

Silence draped the throne room as the Fates departed in a blaze of light.

"We must discuss this prophecy promptly. I'll convene a Council Meeting," Zeus declared with gravity in his voice.

"Don't assume our prior conversation is concluded," Hera retorted to Zeus, her countenance now stoic.

Seated upon her throne, Hera exuded a composed yet apprehensive aura. Zeus initiated the summoning of a council meeting.

Both of them invoked their symbols of power, patiently awaiting the arrival of fellow Olympians, their minds ensnared in contemplation.

Zeus pondered the enigmatic references to the child and the monarch within the prophecy. Meanwhile, Hera contemplated drastic choices—thoughts of divorcing Zeus, relinquishing her reign over Olympus, and beginning anew in the mortal realm coursed through her mind.

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