Chapter 8: E-mail? From Olympus?

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1 year later...

Hera's POV

"Mr. Alvarez, I assure you that PrimeAze Builders picked the right company to work with," I affirmed, extending my hand with a warm smile as we concluded our meeting.

"I do hope that I didn't choose the wrong company," Mr. Alvarez responded, his expression serious as he reciprocated the handshake with a stern nod.

Exiting the conference room, a sense of unease crept over me. Glancing at my secretary, I couldn't help but notice her peculiar behavior—her gaze fixated on the floor as if it held some hidden significance.

It struck me as odd. She had always maintained her composure, even in the presence of other influential figures in the business world.


In my office, surrounded by paperwork, I find solace in the mundane tasks that demand my attention. Unlike the bureaucratic maze of Olympus, these documents serve a practical purpose. No complaints about Zeus's temper or Ares's aggression here—just straightforward tasks that I can tackle with ease.

With a sigh of relief, I set down my pen, the final signature marking the end of the pile. But as I lean back in my chair, a nagging thought interrupts my moment of respite. I had meant to address my secretary's curious behavior from the earlier meeting with Mr. Alvarez.

Summoning her through the intercom, I hear the familiar knock on my door.

"Come in," I say, my tone carrying the authority I've cultivated over years of leadership.

My secretary enters, her demeanor poised but tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Hawthorne?" she asks, her voice steady despite the underlying tension.

Raising an eyebrow, I cut straight to the point. "Why the sudden fascination with the floor during the meeting? That's not like you," I inquire, my tone a blend of curiosity and concern.

She stumbles over her words, struggling to articulate her thoughts.

"I...I was...intimidated by Mr. Alvarez. He's quite...imposing," she finally admits, her voice trailing off as she averts her gaze.

I offer a reassuring smile, though inwardly I'm intrigued by her revelation.

"Composure is key. Remember, the corporate world is akin to a game of poker—reveal too much, and you risk losing," I advise, imparting wisdom gained from years of navigating the cutthroat business landscape.

As she nods in understanding, she hesitates before speaking again. "Did you ever notice how Mr. Alvarez looks at you?" she asks tentatively, her words carrying a weight I hadn't anticipated.

Taken aback by her question, I furrow my brow in thought. "I hadn't noticed. But thank you for bringing it to my attention," I reply, my mind racing with newfound awareness.

A brief silence lingers between us before I offer a small gesture of camaraderie. "Oh, no from now on you call me by my first name," I say, attempting to lighten the mood.

She meets my gaze with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. "Oh, umm...okay, Ms. Haw—I mean, Ms. Aviana," she stammers, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

With a dismissive wave of my hand, I grant her leave, allowing her to exit my office. Left alone once more, I find myself lost in thought, pondering the implications of Mr. Alvarez's gaze and the unsettling emotions it stirs within me.

As I stare into space, doubts and insecurities flood my mind, threatening to unravel the facade of strength I've meticulously crafted. But I push aside the turmoil, reminding myself of the stakes at hand. These distractions have no place in the world of business—a lesson I must remember if I am to maintain my position of power.

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