Chapter 7: Hera's Last Goodbye

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Hermes' POV

Driving Hera to her new mortal life in her penthouse felt surreal. It's strange to think that she'll be living among humans indefinitely.

I was taken aback when Hera handed me a scroll containing her final words to the Olympians. Her decision seemed final, unshakeable. And I couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at me. After all, I'm one of Zeus's many illegitimate children, a product of his infidelity with Hera. I can't help but feel responsible for her departure from Olympus.

Despite any animosity I may harbor towards Hera at times, the thought of Olympus without her is unsettling. She's been the cornerstone of our realm, beloved by maids, household staff, and workers alike. No one can fill her shoes as queen – she's irreplaceable.

I worry about how the rest of Olympus will fare without her presence. Will they still heed Zeus's commands? Many of them despise him for his mistreatment of Hera and his countless affairs. The Olympian Council, in particular, bears the brunt of their resentment – most of its members are Zeus's illegitimate offspring. The guilt weighs heavily on me.


I parked the truck outside Hera's penthouse, and we began unloading her belongings. You might wonder why we didn't just teleport everything straight there. Well, our powers have limits, boundaries we can't exceed. We save teleportation for true emergencies, not just moving furniture.

As I zipped back and forth with my super speed, Hera arranged things inside. You might question why I'm using my powers when I said we should reserve them for emergencies. Well, super speed is a specialty of mine, useful for tasks like this.

Silently, we worked side by side, much like the quiet that's settled between us since she handed me the scroll. I gathered items while Hera arranged them, each lost in our own thoughts.

Finally, everything was in place. Hera had transformed the empty space into a cozy home, with furniture meticulously arranged and every surface gleaming. We'd even enlisted Hecate's help to control the mist, concealing Hera's divine presence and setting the stage for her mortal life and business ventures.

Speaking of which, Hera had founded her own company, Golden Aura Solutions, specializing in fashion, design, and event planning. It was her way of immersing herself in mortal culture while still maintaining her divine ties.

After expressing our gratitude to Hecate, the reality of parting hit us. "So, this is goodbye?" I asked Hera, a pang of sadness in my voice.

"Yeah...I guess it is," she replied, pulling me into a hug. 

"Promise to keep me updated on Olympus, okay? And don't forget about the scroll."

With a heavy heart, I watched as she waved goodbye, a sad smile on her lips. I memorized her face, knowing it would be a while before I saw her again, before I teleported back to Olympus.


I wasted no time in convening a council meeting. It was imperative that we discussed what had transpired and its potential repercussions. The first to arrive was Hephaestus, his concern evident in his eyes. I could practically hear his unspoken questions: Is my mother alright? Did something happen?

I offered him a silent reassurance, mouthing a promise to explain everything once the council was assembled. He nodded in understanding, his worry momentarily eased.

As we waited for the others to arrive, tension hung in the air like a heavy fog. I could feel the weight of their curiosity and concern pressing down on me, demanding answers.

Finally, when everyone was present and accounted for, I cleared my throat to signal the start of the meeting. I waited until all eyes were on me, ensuring that my words would have the full attention they deserved.

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