Chapter 3: The Council Meeting

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Artemis' POV

I treaded through the woods with my hunters, the morning sun casting a golden hue. The forest resonated with life until a thunderous roar interrupted our tranquility.

Sigh... Another tedious council meeting awaited. The repetitive routine grated on me:

Father and Hera's ceaseless squabbles about his affairs.

Ares, either smitten with Aphrodite or drawing Hephaestus's irate glares.

Hephaestus, engrossed in crafting or shooting daggers at Ares.

Athena and Poseidon engaging in their banter, sometimes amusingly.

Dionysus, slumbering, unaffected by the usual chaos.

Aphrodite, fawning over her mirror, layering what she insists aren't "chemicals" but 'make-up'. I disagree; it's messy and unappealing. My hunters concur.

Hermes, constantly engrossed in mortal contraptions—texting, yelling, prodding, and fiddling endlessly.

Demeter's exuberant rant about cereal and oatmeal.

Apollo's haikus, often more cringe-worthy than poetic, directed at me.

I honed my arrows, tuning out Apollo's teasing and awful haikus.


"Thalia, there's another council meeting in Olympus. Continue hunting for breakfast," I commanded my lieutenant, her lineage marking her as a daughter of Zeus, thus my half-sister.

Thalia nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll be here. Take care, Lady Artemis," she replied, her tone habitual, serious.

"Oh, Thalia, I'm always safe," I quipped with a chuckle.

"Lady Artemis, please, keep safe. I don't want to witness my cousin holding the weight of the sky again," she pleaded, a solemn look in her eyes.

Sigh... Memories of her cousin, Perseus Jackson, flooded my thoughts. He was a demigod, a son of Poseidon, a hero of Olympus who led and triumphed in two wars. He saved me once, carrying the burden of the sky.

He's the only decent man I've known.

"How many times must I remind you? It won't happen again," I retorted in an annoyed tone.

"See you later, Lady Artemis," Thalia said with resignation.

With a final nod, I teleported to Olympus


As I entered, my sister Athena was already seated on her throne, deeply engrossed in what seemed to be a thorough examination—of someone, to be precise.

How did I know? Oh, Athena's telltale signs were unmistakable. Her eyes were keen as an eagle, patiently waiting for its prey. Her lips twitched with concentration, and her facial expression mirrored that of a mortal diligently memorizing the periodic table of elements. Following her gaze, I was surprised to find it directed towards Father and Hera.

She was scrutinizing them.

I glanced between Father and Hera, and after a few moments...

Hold on. Something wasn't right. Why weren't they embroiled in their usual bickering over Father's affairs? Why was there an unsettling silence? Their gaze, fixed yet vacant, left me uneasy.

It was all very strange...


Athena's POV

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