Chapter 5: It's Just The Beginning

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Hera's POV

It's been a week since I divorced Zeus, and with each passing day, I become more convinced that it was the right decision. The weight that had burdened me for eons seems to have lifted, leaving me feeling lighter and freer than I have in centuries. 

As I pack my belongings, preparing to leave Olympus behind and start anew in the mortal world, a sense of excitement courses through me, mingled with a hint of apprehension.

But before I embark on this new chapter of my life, I can't help but revisit the moment that brought me here—the final confrontation with Zeus, the culmination of years of heartache and betrayal.

(flashback to divorce)

Third Person's POV

After Zeus composed himself, the event came to an abrupt end, and he called for a council meeting, desperate to salvage what was left of his relationship with Hera.

"Hera, will you please just make up your mind and think things through. Please," Zeus pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation, as if clinging to the remnants of a love slipping through his fingers.

"Zeus, do you think I will decide things without thinking them through? Without listing all the pros and cons? Without brainstorming things that may lead this decision to downfall? Zeus, do you think so low of me?" Hera's response carried a mix of hurt and frustration, her gaze not meeting Zeus's eyes.

"Hera, please..." Zeus continued to plead, dropping to his knees, a sight that would have once softened Hera's heart.

However, Hera, with a newfound strength, a result of countless betrayals, looked away. "Zeus, stop this. You're acting like a child," she said, her eyes rolling dismissively.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, sighed, her eyes filled with sadness. "Zeus, for once in my life, I agree with Hera this time. You should pay the price for hurting and breaking her heart so many times. It hurts so much, Zeus. If only you could feel her pain every time you stab her heart into a million pieces," Aphrodite's words resonated with the ache that lingered in Hera's heart.

Hera offered Aphrodite a grateful and genuine smile, acknowledging the support of her fellow goddess.

Poseidon, Zeus's brother, added his voice to the chorus, speaking with a brotherly tone. "Brother, not to disappoint you or hurt your feelings, but you should stop begging. It will do nothing. Accept the fact that your relationship with Hera is all over."

Hephaestus, Hera and Zeus's son, addressed his father with a mix of sadness and disappointment. "Father, you should give up. I love my mother, even though she doesn't love me back. It still hurts me to see her every midnight here in Olympus in her garden crying with so much pain and brokenness because you cheated on her again, and I couldn't bear with that anymore."

"Zeus. We. Are. Over," Hera declared, her words cutting through the room with annoyance and anger.

"Well, then, if you say so, Hera," Zeus responded, pronouncing her name as if it was poison in his mouth. "I hope you regret your decision someday. Though do not expect me to welcome you into my life with open arms," he added, each word a dagger that pierced through his wounded heart.

"Oh, don't worry, baby. I won't cry for you ever again because I will never regret this decision. This is just the reminder of the beginning of my new life," Hera declared with determination and defiance. She stood up from her chair and teleported into her chambers.

Before she vanished completely, she raised her hands and placed her throne beside Demeter's. "From now on, I will no longer be Hera, Queen of Olympus, for I step down from my position as queen," Hera announced seriously.

But before leaving her audience, she remembered one last thing.

"Hephaestus, my son, you are very beautiful on the inside, and I am very proud of you growing up like that. I love you so much, my dear son. I may not have shown my genuine love for you as a mother, but I'm always proud that you became my son. You are very committed to your wife, and you always try your best to be loyal to her and to resist getting revenge whenever she cheats on you. For this, I reward you with a simple gift that I hope will be helpful to you."

With these words, Hera raised her hands, and a beam of light shot out, enveloping Hephaestus. When the light cleared, gasps echoed through the room. A transformed Hephaestus sat there, devoid of his previous flaws and scars. The gods stared, astonished, at the handsome god with a tanned, perfectly built body, rivaling even Apollo's allure.

Of course, Hephaestus couldn't comprehend the sudden change in his appearance, prompting curious glances from the Olympians.

Sensing her son's confusion, Hera summoned a mirror, allowing Hephaestus to witness his new form. He gasped in shock, unable to believe that his mother truly loved him and had gifted him this transformation. He wished not to wake up, fearing this might be a mere dream.

Aphrodite, on the other hand, couldn't contain her admiration for her husband, while Ares glared at the now-handsome Hephaestus.

As Hera watched the reactions unfold, she smiled contently, absorbing the scene before teleporting into her chambers.

(flashback end)  

Hera's POV

I finished packing my things and tidying up my chambers. You might be wondering why I bother with such mundane tasks when I could simply snap my fingers and have everything done by magic, or command my maids to attend to it. Well, the truth is, I'm leaving Olympus for good. I won't be back, except perhaps for those insufferable meetings the other gods insist on dragging me into.

I've got a plan for my new life in the mortal world. 

First order of business: enlist the help of my son Hephaestus to navigate this unfamiliar realm. Then, it's time to figure out how to make some mortal money and settle into a normal—or perhaps even luxurious—life until the Olympians have need of me again.

Oh, and let's not forget: I won't be taking any of the possessions bestowed upon me by the other gods, especially not those gifts from Zeus. They're just reminders of painful memories I'd rather leave behind.


I teleported to Hephaestus' volcanic forge, or whatever he calls it. As I made my way through the forge, I couldn't help but overhear some muffled sounds. 

They grew louder and clearer as I approached his chambers. And guess who the noise was coming from? 


Ugh... I cringed inwardly at the thought of what they might be up to. I'd rather not dwell on the specifics. This was going to be so awkward. 

"HEPHAESTUS!!!" Aphrodite's voice echoed through the forge.

I know, I know—I'm the goddess of women, childbirth, and all that, but can you blame me for feeling a little uncomfortable in this situation?

I knocked on the door, knowing full well they were done with whatever they were doing. I heard some shuffling and hurried movements from inside. Finally, the door swung open.

"Mother!" Hephaestus greeted me, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "You're here earlier than I expected... Is everything alright? How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that my son is back to being all lovey-dovey with Aphrodite," I said, enjoying the way Hephaestus paled at my words.

HAHAHAHAHHA!!! Oh, the joys of being a mother.

"Aphrodite, dear, could you come back later? I need to speak with my mother," Hephaestus said, his tone affectionate.

"Sure thing, Hephy!" Aphrodite winked and gave him a peck on the cheek before disappearing.

I watched as Hephaestus touched his cheek where Aphrodite had kissed him and let out a sigh. Oh, Hephaestus, you've got it bad.

Clearing my throat to regain his attention, I said, "Alright, let's get down to business. It's time for me to learn how to live as a mortal."

Sigh... How was I supposed to focus when even my own son couldn't keep his thoughts straight? Sigh... Here we go.

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