Chapter 4: Event

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Hera's POV


Finally, the preparations for the event are complete. The Divine Olympian Nexus is a gathering of all the creatures of Olympus, from hippocampi to good-hearted Titans and Titanesses. We will delve into the various concerns and problems of the mortal world, with the ultimate decisions resting on Zeus and me.

The event is set to begin today, so I find myself in my chambers, preparing for the occasion. I strive to be stunning and eye-catching, aspiring to be the most beautiful attendee in the room. Utilizing my powers, I begin to eliminate any perceived flaws.

This isn't just for my own benefit; it's for Zeus.

Despite our recent argument, Zeus remains unchanged—the same Zeus who cheats on me and arrives home late. My love for him prevents me from contemplating divorce, yet the pain and anger are overwhelming.

As he continues his infidelity, questions torment my mind.

Am I not beautiful enough?

Is he growing weary of me?

Does he genuinely love me?

Are the pieces of jewelry he gifts me acts of love?

Am I gaining weight?

Am I truly as cruel and selfish as the Olympians describe?

Hera, get yourself together.

(Time skip to the event)

Hera's POV

I teleported into the throne room where the event was being held. As I materialized, silence enveloped the room. Envious glares from the females and awestruck stares from the males greeted me, but I paid them no mind. My focus was on Zeus's reaction.

As I swept my gaze over the room, I found Zeus seated upon his throne, his expression devoid of emotion. His lack of response stung, though as queen, I maintained a stoic facade. 

Walking gracefully to my own throne, I observed the remaining seats. Aphrodite was predictably late, much to my annoyance.

Hours passed before Aphrodite finally made her entrance into the throne room, fashionably late as always. She entered with a flourish, tossing flirtatious glances and blowing kisses to the males present. 

Suppressing a sigh, I remained seated, watching her antics with thinly veiled impatience. I settled into my seat, observing my two sons, Ares and Eros, entranced by Aphrodite's charm.

A pang of sympathy tugged at my heart for Hephaestus, my neglected son. Though I may not have shown him the love he deserved, his unrequited affection for Aphrodite mirrored my own yearning for Zeus's genuine love and loyalty.

"Welcome, dear beings of Olympus," Zeus's voice cut through the air, his speech brief but sufficient for the occasion.

The event progressed with stories and laughter, and I found some solace in the company of my sister Hestia. However, my moment of peace shattered when I spotted a familiar figure exiting the throne room with a nymph in his arms. The nymph's giggles and his lustful gaze confirmed my suspicions.

"Is that... Zeus?" My voice faltered, a rare moment of vulnerability slipping through my facade. Tears threatened to spill, betraying the turmoil within.

"Hera, dear sister, are you alright?" Hestia's concern pierced through the haze of my distress, offering a comforting presence in the tumultuous sea of emotions.

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