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There are no words to describe what your love and endless appreciation for Mane Ad Vesperum means to me. The fact that you accepted these characters and their story with such an open heart, leaves me speechless. I know I've joked a lot about how I'd be relieved when this book was done and how, when I finally hit that publish button, my mental state would magically reinstate it self.

That's not going to happen.

It's not going to happen because this past year was a magical journey. It was one of the most turbulent yet the most fulfilling years of my life, both personally and professionally. The best part was the fact that I got to share all of that with all of you. This small safe community that we've managed to create. This haven that we call Mane Ad Vesperum.

Your love for Daania, and the fact that so many of you related to her and saw yourselves mirrored in her character was heartbreaking and heartening at the same time. Your absolute craze for Taimoor. Oh Taimoor. What a man. There are times I actually question how I came up with him. Such an interesting human being. A man with a hard shell and a soft heart. You let them into your hearts and minds, sharing parts of your life as if we were all on the same journey together.

This story will always be the closest to my heart because of what it meant to me and more so because of what it meant to you.

Some Quick Inside Scoops:

1. I had a quite a few endings in mind but the one I was leaning towards was Taimoor's father coming to save him in some way. At first I thought it'd be poetic justice to have him die saving his son, but then I realized that life doesn't work that way. Not all of us get a chance at redemption. Not everything has to be wrapped with a neat little bow. Even now, Taimoor and Daania have a long road ahead of them. They have to pick up the pieces and make sure that they build a better legacy. That's how life is. Life only ends, when we die.

2. I was also thinking about killing Daania's father but that felt a little too cruel in the grand scheme of things. Daania needed a push to get her head in the right space and her father was the only one who could end her insecurities and get her to think about the void that existed in her.

3. What does 𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔢 𝔄𝔡 𝔙𝔢𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔲𝔪: Dawn to Dusk mean? Why not Dusk to Dawn? Because, everyone stays with you when there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but only a few special people stay when there's only the promise of eternal darkness. Taimoor had no light at the end of his tunnel, neither did Daania. They both met at the bleakest points of their lives where they were worn out from the fight, and yet, they remained. They fought for each other. Nearly died fighting for that light and found it together.

I know I've said that I started this book to let go of all of the thoughts in my head, to let go of the chaos, but I see how it's become much more than that. Thank you for your love. I couldn't have done it with you. I am honoured, privileged and elated to share this book, it's characters and it's story with you.

Until we meet again 🤍

𝔇𝔞𝔴𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔇𝔲𝔰𝔨 (The Legacy Duet - 2)Where stories live. Discover now