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Tommy was four when he told himself he'd never have children. He was convinced that childhood was a monster and he didn't want to be the one to drag another kid through its clutches. After that, it just became the new normal in Tommy's mind.

He'd grow up, do something adultish, and then probably die peacefully at the age of ninety-two. Then he was thrown into a war at sixteen and was convinced he wouldn't even make it to adulthood, and started wanting things he thought he'd probably never live to have.

Never children though.

So when the young, orphaned cow hybrid started showing up around the village, Tommy didn't expect to fall in love so easily.

His first encounter with the child was at the bookstore, when he ran up and grabbed Tommy's leg. Tommy looked down, bewildered, at the boy that had just attached himself to him.

"Uh, can I help you?"

The boy looked up at him with wide, brown eyes. "Be my Dad."

When a small kid comes up to you in the street and tells you to be it's Dad, I guess you have to be it's Dad. Because even as Tommy awkwardly chuckled and walked away, the boy wouldn't stop following him.

He didn't even know his name.

The kid would stand on his doorstep and wait there until Tommy exited the house again. He jumped around the streets with his tail swishing and small ears flapping, declaring himself to be Tommy's son before the man could stop him. People would laugh and clap him on the back, wishing him luck as he ducked his head in embarrassment.

And that's how Isaac adopted himself.

As soon as Raelyn found out about his illegitimate son, she immediately let Isaac into their house. She almost murdered Tommy when he told her the kid had spent most nights on their doorstep, and for a while after he slept with one eye open.

Alex had already heard about the orphan that declared himself Tommy's son, and burst out laughing when he walked into their house one day to see Isaac sitting on the couch with Raelyn, both shooting spitballs at a terrified Tommy. He quickly joined in, enjoying the betrayed look on Tommy's face way too much.
Despite this, Isaac slowly began to grow on Tommy. Even though he and Raelyn spent the most time together (which was definitely not to Tommy's benefit), the young boy obviously favoured Tommy more, calling him Dad with every chance he got.

Once or twice, he'd even been caught doing Isaac's hair in little braids while the boy slept, weaving the brown hair like he had once weaved pink.

The house became a domestic scene, the overworked Dad, the cool Mum and the uncle that helped cause mischief. Isaac seemed content with the family he had adopted. Sometimes Tommy wondered where the boy came from, but never asked.

Months turned into years and Tommy turned twenty-four, the age his brother had been when he died. They had a small party, just him, Alex, Raelyn and Isaac, eating cake and telling stories into the night. They celebrated Isaac's tenth the next day.

A peace Tommy hadn't felt in so long settled over his little family and he rarely ever thought back to his old friends, covering the old ache with new joy.

But Tubbo's compass still thrummed under his floorboards.

Tommy curled up in-


"What's up buddy?"

"I don't feel so good."

He didn't fall asleep that night.

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