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Tommy waved at Raelyn and Alex for the third time, trying to silence their tearful goodbyes. His bow was slung over one shoulder; his pack, the other. Isaac gripped his left hand firmly, nervous about leaving behind the familiar life he'd lived the past 3 years. None of that would matter back in Dray.

They travelled for weeks, hopping from village to village and staying in dry caves in between. Tommy whittled arrows from fallen branches when he needed to hunt, buying flint tips from merchants to avoid having to use his fire starting one.

Over the course of their journey, Isaac's condition gradually worsened, his temperature skyrocketing and coughs coming in fits.
Tommy tried to hide his worry for the sake of keeping up appearances, but it got harder to do so every day.

However, no matter how painfully his body was deteriorating, Isaac kept up with his confident and curious nature. No bug, leaf or hybrid was safe from his questions and Tommy could barely stop him from offending the innkeepers he needed to bargain with.

Eventually they met a kind tailor who gifted a small pouch for Isaac to keep his findings in, made from scrap materials with a leather drawstring. The boy was overjoyed. Tommy was just glad he wouldn't have to carry rocks in his pack anymore.

Isaac's endless energy was the constant that fueled Tommy, keeping him faithful that his son would be okay. His bright smile brought hope that he would survive until they made it to Dray.

Sometimes the questions hit a bit too hard, though.

"Dad," He had said, as they were hiding from mobs in a cave, just on the border of Illea. "Am I dying?"

Tommy froze, hand gripping the spit almost painfully. The rabbit came to a halt over the fire. Isaac's eyes remained large and inquisitive, calmly waiting for his father to deliver his fate.

"...Maybe." Tommy said, because even with his years of experience, delivering bad news still didn't come easily. Isaac just nodded, no reaction visible, just peaceful acceptance. It made Tommy's heart ache.

That night when they fell asleep, after Tommy had made sure Isaac was tucked in and sleeping soundly, he turned to the moon. It was the same one he gazed at every night in exile, extruding the same serenity that had kept him sane.

Now when he looked at it, he hoped not for his own safety, but for his sons.

Tomorrow, they would head for Dray.

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