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When Tommy had left Dray, he had been determined to never return. Nothing and no one could force him back to the lands that so obviously despised him. And yet here he was, six years later, clutching his adopted son to his chest as the doctor delivered the fatal news.

"I'm sorry, sir, but the only cure for his illness is found in Dray-"

Tommy was out the door before the doctor could even tell him what the medication was called.

Isaac trembled in his grasp, his little tail flickering in distress as Tommy's tears fell hot and fast on the boys neck. He gently stroked his sons back, trying to stop the panic that was slowly rising inside him. Raelyn followed, leaving her post at the Doctors office door and trying to match Tommy's quickened pace.
She called after him, but Tommy didn't stop. He couldn't – didn't want to – go back. Already, suppressed memories were rising to the front of his mind, memories of war, abuse, deaths and scars he wishes he could erase.
He's suddenly hyper-aware of his tattoo's, the ink sitting heavy on his skin. The bee earring hangs heavier than it has for years. He remembers Tubbo's compass, sitting under his floor while he made some of his happiest memories above it.

He remembers Dream.


Schlatt, Wilbur, Eret, every person that ever did anything to ever hurt him-

They all waited for him back in Dray.
Whether they had been killed in their own mindless conflict or just sat idly on a dying country, they were there and so were the memories.

But his son would die if he didn't go back, and the thought killed him. He stopped in the middle of the street, gripping Isaac harder as he squeezed his eyes shut tight as if to seal in the tears.

He calmed himself down.

He was TommyInnit, and he knew he was better than this.

So he would be.

Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to see Raelyn standing behind him, and Alex walking towards them from his bakery across the street, concern furrowing his brow. Tommy shakily smiled at them, setting down his son lightly and facing them.

They don't know anything about his past, and in turn he knows nothing about theirs. It was one of those unspoken rules in their friendship. And Tommy didn't particularly feel like breaking it. So he didn't.

"Um, so." He started.

Raelyn and Alex looked at him expectantly, and Isaacs grip on his hand tightened.

"Isaac has a rare mutation of forest fever... and the only cure is in Dray." Tommy whispered. He could feel his friends startled gazes burn into him, but he kept his eyes trained on the ground.

"Uh- oh wow- Dray's really far away..." Alex muttered, looking off into the horizon.

Raelyn just huffed. "Well he's going to have to go. I'm not having Isaac die on us just because he doesn't want to walk a couple thousand blocks."

Tommy glared at her and started walking away. "Then I guess I'll have to start packing then."

"You're not going alone, are you!?" Alex quickened to catch up with him.

"Of course I'm going alone! He's my son, asshole."

Raelyn gasped and rushed to cover Isaac's ears. The boy giggled, tears forgotten. "Don't swear in front of the kid, Tom!"

Tommy just shrugged. "He's got to learn somewhere. Besides, I can't bring you two to Dray with me. You have to run your bakery, Alex, and I need Raelyn to tend to my crops for me while I'm gone."

"Ugh, I hate work." Raelyn moaned

Tommy shot her a sharp glance. "Deal with it."

Alex nodded slightly. "I-I guess that makes sense." He visibly drooped.

"You'll be fine Alex. I'll only be gone a few months at most." He patted Alex's shoulder as they neared his house.

"A few months is too long." He pouted and Tommy just laughed and shook his head.
"I'm sure you can survive with just Raelyn for company." He paused. "On second thought, please, please, don't destroy my house while I'm gone. I kind of need it."

Raelyn grinned. "Aye, Aye, Cap'n."

Tommy smiled back at her, trying to keep the thoughts of Dray pushed to the back of his mind.

He was so lucky, he thought, as the three marched towards the house together, intent on helping their adopted son.

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