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We can give your son the treatment he requires." Was probably one of the best things Tommy had ever heard in his life.

"He'll have to stay in recovery for a week." Was one of the worst, right next to 'It was never meant to be.'

Ponk removed his stethoscope from Isaacs chest and began working on a prescription, scribbling down illegible words at a speed only doctors could acquire.

Tommy's head felt like it was spinning. "Are you sure we have to stay that long? Isn't one or two days long enough?"

"Tommy," Ponk sighed, in that annoyingly condescending voice that made Tommy feel like he was 8 again, being reprimanded by a strange doctor for not taking his medication. "This treatment is a delicate process and a week is already quite rushed. There's not much use getting out of this one."

Tommy nodded, pulling his son to his chest. Isaacs relentless questions had been dampened by Tommy's gloomy Esempi mood, and he now clung silently to his dad.

"Well, thank you for your help Doctor, I guess I'll go find somewhere to stay and come see you tomorrow?" Tommy asked. He did not know where he was going to stay. Sure, he knew a few people around the city he didn't completely hate, but he wasn't all for announcing his presence here. Though Tubbo had seen him now, so.

"Yep," Ponk replied. "I'll have the medicine ready tomorrow. Because of our week time-limit, Isaac is going to have to take a double-dose each day, which will make him incredibly drowsy. I'd imagine you will stay indoors for most of your visit."

"Noted." Tommy said, wincing at the word 'visit'. This wasn't exactly some happy sunshine and rainbow family vacation.

Tommy left Ponk's office with a heavy heart. Isaac had fallen asleep in his arms. He looked so peaceful. And Tommy had just taken him into the heart of one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Wandering back down the Prime Path, Tommy looked around for a place to go. Niki had always been nice to him. Puffy too. And, of course, Sam Nook was always offering a place to stay back when he was 16 and having a panic attack every half an hour.

But what were the chances they even cared anymore?

Tommy kept walking down the path, in a bit of a daze. Something caught his eye. He looked to his side and he saw it.

The Jack Manifold Hotel.

(What happened to the TommyInnit Hotel?)

Somehow, among all his panic, part of him managed to feel, very, very offended. The other part was glad that his hotel hadn't completely broken down and collapsed when he'd been banished.

Tommy sighed.

He knew where'd he'd be staying, at least.


Better version will be posted on ao3 on Sunday

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