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In light of recent events, I've finally decided to lay this fic to rest.

I know what I said. I made promises and told you guys I would keep this fic going even if it took me years upon years and I honestly thought I meant it. It was a hard decision, putting down a fic I've been slowly chipping away at for three years now, and had intended to carry on into the future as a tribute, but I can't. I can't keep writing about these CC's when all I've heard from the fandom is drama after scandal after fucking crime. I cannot express how explicitly disappointed I am that these people who helped me through some of the darkest parts of my life have laid what were important memories to ruin, and I know a lot of you feel the same way.

Despite as shitty as it is to have a comfort creator be exposed like this, as I'm sure you guys know, this is not about us, or Wilbur; it's about Shelby and supporting victims. As more of these stories come out I see more and more people trivialising abuse and other's trauma due to the overwhelming effect of desensitization the internet is vulnerable to.  As Aimsey pointed out, this is not drama. It is domestic violence, a crime, which affects multiple on the daily. I believe that this situation should be used as Shelby intended when she told her story; to educate and raise awareness - work towards reducing the statistic. I will link resources to DV helplines as I've seen other creators do, and urge you to use them if you ever feel unsafe in your home or relationship.

Lastly, I'd like to iterate that I do understand the concept of separating the character from the creator. However, I can't enjoy writing these characters knowing that c!Wilbur is manipulative and an abuser, and writing that knowing what he's done makes me feel sick. I will be releasing my narrative plan and what I had written for the next part in the following chapters (or I'll put them before this note as not to disrupt the narrative, to keep people immersed to the end idk) as to not leave on a total cliffhanger and hopefully serve some satisfaction, though I can't promise comprehensivity. 

Thank you for reading. I truly, deeply, appreciate every single one of you who voted, commented, DM'd telling me how much you loved this fic. I know how hard it must've been trying to muster that type of love for this, a side project I started some random Saturday when I was fourteen. You guys made it all worth it, and brought me much happiness and ego-boosting when I was struggling with motivation. It's upsetting we have to end on this note, but as much as I'm sad this has to end, I couldn't have asked for a better audience <3

Support victims.

DV Resources:

[INTERNATIONAL] https://www.domesticshelters.org/resources/national-global-organizations/international-organizations 

[INTERNATIONAL] https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/international-domestic-violence-resources/

[AUS] 1800RESPECT (text or call)

[UK] https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/getting-help-for-domestic-violence/

[UK] Queer friendly: https://galop.org.uk/get-help/helplines/

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