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"Don't tell me you abandoned him too?"
Tubbo tensed, willing away the urge to turn around and hit something. Preferably Tommy, despite the fact he hadn't actually done anything wrong.

Because let's be honest, Tubbo kind of did abandon him. Michael was his son, and yet Tubbo couldn't even pinpoint the exact night he'd left forever. Looking back on it, there was no surprise in Michael leaving. When Ranboo came to him and told him that their son had disappeared, he barely felt a thing. It was like Michael had been gone for years and Ranboo was simply delivering old news.

His son might still be out there. But for all Tubbo knew, he was probably dead. It brought him the same sadness it might have brought him if a stranger's son had passed. Just a slow heartache that occurred out of obligation rather than any real feelings.

"I didn't- we didn't- he wasn't supposed to escape." Tubbo responded, because what else was he supposed to say? He was a teenager when they took in Michael. He and Ranboo had seen a little half-zombie piglin child who was lost, and decided to take him from his natural environment. They'd decide to raise him, love Michael like their families had never loved them, all while not knowing how to care for a child.

If anything, Michael had become more of a pet in the end. Tubbo didn't blame him for leaving.
But here stood Tommy, the best friend who he failed all those years ago, with a son he'd travelled back to the root of his trauma for. Tommy who'd said he never wanted to come back, because Tubbo had really fucked up that bad. Tubbo never deserved to call Tommy his best friend. He suddenly regretted bringing up Michael. He didn't want Tommy knowing just how much he'd gone off the rails without him.

"What did you do, lock him in a prison cell?" Tommy said. The disgust in his voice made Tubbo recoil. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean it.

"It wasn't a prison cell. It was just his bedroom, and it was for his own good. We fed him, gave him a pet, made sure he was entertained. He never acted like anything was off." Tubbo didn't even know why he was defending himself. He was pathetic. He had failed as a father, friend and son. Tommy was right to be so reluctant to let him anywhere near him.

Before Tommy could delve any further into how Tubbo had lost at being a father, Tubbo stopped. "This is Dr. Ponks office." He murmured.

He turned to see Tommy staring wearily at Ponk's shack, eyes scanning the lemon hedges and doctors symbol. He seemed to come to a conclusion, gripping his son tighter. He glanced at Tubbo.

Tubbo faltered, grasping for something to say. 'Goodbye', 'see you later' or even 'can we talk maybe?' all felt wrong on his tied tongue.

But before he could even begin speaking, Tommy turned and began striding to the door.

"See you never." He called over his shoulder.

Tubbo's cold heart shattered.


Sorry if this was a little Michael-centric, I am making a second/sequel/sibling fic to this one about him, so this chapter plays a bit into that. The fic should be coming soon hopefully.

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