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The trio and son entered their house and almost immediately Isaac began to rush around and collect various items for their trip. He chuckled at the boy's eagerness.

"Slow down Isaac. We can't take all that stuff with us. We'll be walking for days, and it'll weigh us down." His friends laughed and started moving to help him pack.

"Adventure with Dad!" The boy yelled. Tommy ruffled his hair.

"Yes, adventure with Dad. Now put all those things back so we can pack what we really need." He smiled fondly at the boy as he dropped his things on the ground instead. Tommy turned away. He'd pack his own things first, and then deal with his son.

One full backpack later, he was staring at his floorboards intently, trying to figure out which one hid the compass. Raelyn walked over.

"What ya doin'"

"Rae, I think we're gonna have to tear up the floor."

"Why? I just spent hours refurbishing it last Fri!"

"I hid something important under there when I built the house, but I can't remember which floorboard its under... I kind of need it for the journey."

She stared at him like he'd gone mad. "You idiot! Didn't you ever think to mark the board?"

"I never expected to have to go back, Rae." His voice sounded small. He cleared his throat. "Just help me rip it up, yeah?"

She looked at him curiously, but didn't ask, instead grabbing a plank and pulling it up. "Like this?"

"...yeah." Tommy whispered sadly. His poor floor...

They got halfway through the living room when he spotted the soft purple glow. "There!" He rushed over and swept up the compass. It fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, still attached the raggedy old bandana from before the wars. 'Your Tubbo' was barely legible anymore, rusted over but held together by enchantments. The glass over the quivering needle had a thin crack running from one side of the compass to the other. The weight in his palm was welcoming.

It felt like home.

Nostalgia hit Tommy like a creeper blast, and he had to stop himself from breaking down right there in front of Raelyn, who was staring at the compass in amazement.

"Are those- are those enchantments?" She breathed.

"What else?" Tommy looked over at her. "Surely you've seen enchantments before?"

Raelyn just gave him a weird glance and shook her head. He shrugged. He guessed they were pretty rare in remote villages like this one.

Alex and Isaac walked in from where they were gathering crops and almost fell directly into the hole they'd created in the living room. "The hell is this?" The man gasped as he regained his balance, pulling Isaac away from the edge.

"Sorry Alex. Just needed to get something."
Tommy waved the compass in his hand and his friends eyes widened.


"Yes. Enchantments.

His friends just stared at him and the compass in wonderment. "Wow..."

Tommy shook his head. "Whatever. Now all I need is a sword. And has anyone seen my old bow?"

Raelyn shrugged. "I can make you a sword if you like. I don't know anything about a bow though. Can you even shoot?" She laughed, but Tommy just frowned.

They didn't need to know he was the best archer in the revolution.

"If you're going to make me a sword, I want you to use the ore in my ender chest." Tommy had saved some netherite from his travels. It was surprising how much people drop. "Alex, do you know where my bow is? I know I didn't throw it out."

"Is it in your room?"

"I checked."

Alex frowned and turned to Isaac. "Do you know where your Dad's bow is Isaa?"

The kid nodded. He side-stepped around the mini crater in the living room and grabbed Tommy's hand. "This way."

Tommy frowned as Isaac led him though his little house, weaving unnecessarily around objects that lay in there way.

The pair stopped when the reached a seemingly blank wall.

"Here!" Isaac said happily, letting go of Tommys hand to press on the wall. A small panel clattered to the ground, revealing none other than Tommy's bow.

The edges of a memory tickled at Tommy's mind as a strange feeling of deja vu washed over him. He barely remembers hiding the bow there, intent on starting over without killing or war or desperate survival.

"Oh." He said, grabbing the bow. "I guess I forgot I left it here."

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