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"Tommy? Is that you?"

Tommy coughed and pulled his hood down further. "Uh, no?"

Isaac looked up at him with furrowed brows, little ears flexing. "Yes it is." He said. Tommy shushed him.

Tubbo moved closer. Tommy moved back.
"...we all thought you were dead."

"Yeah, that was kinda the point." Tommy muttered. Isaac started, head swinging from side to side trying to connect invisible dots.

Tubbo was moving closer again. Tommy stayed where he was, too tired to try and move away. The look in Tubbos eyes was familiar and persistent. A hand reached forward, brushing Tommy's hair from his neck.

He froze.

Tommy usually covered the tattoos, the only other people to see them being Raelyn, Alex and Isaac. Of course, staying in the wild with no access to concealing agents left them visible for the world to see. Tommy was hyper aware of this fact as Tubbo leaned in close, eyes wide in hesitant curiosity. However, the crown on his neck was not what Tubbo was so enamoured by.

Tommy's eyes widened as he felt the weight in his ear move. He trembled as Tubbo's fingers grazed the bee earring. Shocked disbelief was written all over his face.

"Tommy..." Tubbo breathed.

"What do you want, Tubbo?" Tommy said. The anger in which his words would've held years ago had drained.

Tommy didn't care anymore. Tubbo had left him to Dream, and their friendship had fallen through. He was just another stranger now. The bee earring was a memory of another person, a better life. One Tubbo had no part in.

The pain in Tubbo's eyes clearly showed he didn't feel the same.

"Where did you go?" He whispered, voice strained.

Tommy didn't have the time nor energy to deal with Tubbo's lingering hurt, guilt, or whatever seemed to be bothering him. Tommy had a sick son, a mission to help him and a home to return too, full of people who cared.

"Away. Now, you could direct me to the nearest doctor, or go be in the way somewhere else. I didn't come back for a reunion and I don't intend to have one." The ache of a missing family had numbed a long time ago, and the desire to be loved by them had gone away with it. Tommy just wanted to cure his son. His real family.

Tubbo's eyes slid to his arms, where he carried Isaac, pale and sweaty but filled with curiosity. Something flickered in his expression, and he nodded, hesitantly.

"I... I'll take you to Ponk. He'll be able to help him."

Tommy nodded. Him and Tubbo stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, and then Tubbo turned away. Tommy watched his retreating back for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to follow him. In the end he did, jogging a bit to catch up.

He fell in behind Tubbo and followed him down the path. The silence was deafening, so much so that even Isaac didn't dare pierce it. Nobody spoke. It reminded Tommy of his days in Pogtopia, alone and afraid and scared of saying the wrong thing.

He was young and foolish back then, constantly waiting for his best friend to come back, bruised, battered but alive.

Tommy hoped he would get out of here alive.

And so he followed Tubbo into the lions den.


I'd like to think Tubbos still in shock, his reaction wasn't as severe as some of the other characters will probably be. I think I'm planning some Revivedbur, what do you guys think?

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