25 The Wedding

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Part 25 The Wedding

Arnav was disturbed... Though he didn't have a good opinion of Neerav he didn't want to believe what he witnessed in front of his eyes. He believed that only inquiry can bring the truth out but Kapoors didn't want to do that. If they were not wrong, why didn't they want Neerav to be enquired? Their gestures didn't seem true. He removed his mobile and called Aman. Aman attended the call. Before Arnav said anything,

"What happened ASR? I'm hearing something rubbish about Neerav here..." Aman asked wearily.

"Yes, that rubbish is what happened here..." Arnav said in a low tone.

"Is that true?" Aman asked unbelievably.

"I don't know yaar..." Arnav sighed.

"What happened ASR?" Aman asked.

Arnav told him that happened in the guest room. Aman was horrified and also confused.

"I want to meet Neerav's friend," Arnav said.

"You mean Rakesh?" Aman asked.

"Yes, I think he will tell us what Neerav told us are true or not"

"What will you do if Neerav is innocent?"

"I will not let this marriage happen and will hand them over to the police," Arnav said wrathfully.

"I saw him going out of RM a few minutes ago," Aman said.

"Do you have his mobile number?" Arnav asked.

"Yes, I do... after all, he is working in AR," Aman said.

"Call him... ask him to come to RM" Arnav ordered him.


Disconnecting Arnav's call, Aman was about to call Rakesh, saw him entering RM with a guy called

Kunal. Aman rushed to him and dragged him towards Arnav's room. Kunal also followed them.

In the meanwhile,

Leaving Neerav in his room, Ratna asked him to get ready.

"Mom, please, you trust me at least..." Neerav pleaded.

In no time, Ratna slapped him hard.

"Not one more word... why the hell did you drink?"

Neerav touched her head,

"Mother promise, I didn't drink..." he said meeting her eyes.
Ratna was taken back.

"They said you misbehaved with her...and the situation shows you wrong"

"Won't you believe me over the situation?"

"Does it even matter?"

"Mom, please save me from this issue that's waiting to swallow me, please..."

"You are in the lion's mouth already. What could we do now?"
Neerav gulped down.

"You get ready... I will talk to Dad for one last time"
Ratna said and left the room.

She came to Arvind who was in their room all frustrated. He looked at Ratna with bloodshot eyes that mixed up Ratna's stomach in fear. She made up herself and got the courage to talk to Arvind.

"Arvindji, listen to me... I know Neerav. He is not that bad. He would not have done so" Ratna pleaded.

"Every mother on the earth trusts their son blindly... they support him no matter what... you don't be one, Ratna," Arvind said annoyingly.

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