18: New Normal

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When I saw Leofwin again, he was alone. Well, he was speaking to Lance but you know what I mean. The other knights who had made it to the last test were nowhere in sight. Philip and I approached them but Lance saw us coming before we arrived and left before we could greet him.

"You're the dragon girl?" Leofwin said to me, his eyes wide and curious.

I didn't like the word dragon. I didn't like being called a dragon, whether it was true or not. "I'm Mo. Where are the other knights?"

Philip nudged me and shook his head. "You two are the only ones that passed."

I waited for Philip to say he was joking and when he didn't I reluctantly swallowed that information. "So what does that mean for us?"

"Well you're King's Guards now," Philip said and shrugged. "You protect the King."

"Just like that?" Leofwin asked.

I hated it when Philip did that, brush of serious things like they're nothing. "What do expect, a welcoming party?"

"No, I just," Leofwin faltered. I felt for him but he would get used to Philip. Leofwin was his exact opposite, in personality and height.

Philip grinned. I hated his jokes. "Ah! I'm just messing with you guys, come on let me introduce you to the rest of the crew!"

He led Leofwin and I by the shoulders into the castle, through the main doors. I hesitated to even walk up the stairs. What if I wasn't welcome? Those men didn't sound so sure of me being around the King. Could I just waltz in there, announcing my arrival?

"Who are the crew?" I halted.

Philip looked down at me, I could see him doing that often when he would be around Leofwin and I. "The rest of the King's guard of course."

Was I nervous? Well, that's a simple question and the answer was obvious: Deathly nervous. Though, I hid it behind a smile and by stuffing my shaking hands into my pockets.

The castle was too much to put into words. But I'll try, large, spacious, grand, clean, shiny floors that perfectly reflected one's face. Windows that touched the floors, and reached the ceilings. Chandeliers that glittered and hung like ropes of gold. Paintings of people, probably the royal family hung on the corridor walls, their eyes seeming to follow you as you passed. Strange artefacts placed on pedestals for display; swords, spears, javelins, shields, and even more weapons. The place smelled of flowers and food, the only things that should ever smell in a home. Despite all that beauty, it was empty, lifeless and depressingly silent. Sure, a few maids and knights on guard here and there but ultimately it was a home without homeowners.

"We're not meeting the king as well are we?" Leofwin asked.

"Nah, that's for later. When you're cleaned up and smell good," Philip replied.

"How soon is that?" I asked.

"Eh, soon enough," Philip said. "The king's gotta know who's protecting him right? But don't worry about that, lets meet our co-workers first. Show you the ropes, explain how things work around here. You know, rules and stuff."

He led us down another corridor and stopped in front of two large doors.

"Alright before we go in there, let me just say that," Philip started, "they're great people but they're also very strange. Sadly, they lack charisma, but I have enough to make up for all of us. Also, don't let them scare you, or fool you, they're all big softies inside."

He pushed the door open and my heart accelerated. Only to come to an abrupt halt when there was no one inside.

"Damn it," Philip muttered to himself. "I told them they'd be meeting you two today. You guys wait here, let me round them up." He turned to leave then turned back again. "you know what, why don't you guys help me out. Let's split up to find them."

"But we don't know who they are?" Leofwin said.

"Just introduce yourselves and they'll know who you are."

And with that we all went our separate ways in search of our 'co-workers'. It all felt a bit unreal. Too much to accept so easily.

I wandered through corridors, peaked through open doors, and left the doors that were closed, closed. And as my terrible luck would have it, I got lost.

I walked up to the first maid I saw. She was breathtakingly beautiful, I caught my breath at the sight of her. Her gem-like blue eyes glistened and her smile though small lit up her features and turned her into a princess. I would have thought she was if not for the maid's gown.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked.

I was lost for words. Even her voice was hypnotic. Who knows how long I had been staring at her. "Uh, well, uh, I'm lost—"

"AAYDDAAAA!!!" Screamed what sounded like a man.

The maid eye's expanded. "Oh my," she mumbled. She picked up my hand suddenly and began running. I was more or less dragged behind. She stopped at a set of two large wooden doors (there were a lot of those) and turned to me.

"I'll be right back, just wait for me here," she told me before she disappeared behind the doors. I stood about, kicking at air and looking around aimlessly. I wondered where Leofwin was, was he lost too or had he succeeded in finding a King's guard. I cursed at Philip for leaving us like he had. I wondered where the king's guards were.

The doors finally opened and out stepped a scruffily dressed man with matching tousled brown hair. He had odd eyes that shifted from gold to green as he titled his head to and fro. They looked familiar though, I had seen them somewhere, where exactly, I couldn't recall.

"Wait, you're the dragon girl!" He exclaimed.

I was taken back. "Uh, hello."

"Oh right you're one the guards now." He pointed and smiled. Who is this man, I thought, was he a king's guard?

"Yes, I think that's right."

The corner of his lip tilted up as he nodded his head. "I guess I'll see you around."

He walked past me and disappeared from view as he turned the corner. The pretty maid who had quietly stepped out after the man furrowed her brows in the direction of the man's exit. She looked to me and gave me a dazzling smile. "Excuse him, he has no manners. Royals, you'd expect them to be more courteous."

"What, you mean him?" My gaze shot in his direction. He looked closer to a farmer than a prince and I would know, I am a farmer. I guess it didn't quite hit yet, that I had just met the man who would one day be king.

"I know, he doesn't look it." She chuckled and again I was mesmerized. "What did you need help with?"

"Oh, right." I blinked back to reality. "I'm kind of lost." In more ways than one, I could have added but didn't.

"No worries, the guards lounge?"

"I think that's right."

"Alright follow me." I felt like if she had said that then dropped off a cliff I'd still follow her.

"Thanks." I shook my head, rubbed my eyes and pinched myself. Yep, I was awake. "Uh, Ayda, right?"

"Actually my name is Adamaris. Prince James doesn't know my name."

I took that and returned silence.

"What made you join the guard? If I'm not intruding," she asked as we walked.

"My family." A simple and true answer. I had lied enough.

"I admire that. I admire you're courage. You're brave."

"Huh, I wish I was more than brave."

"Trust me, you're braver than you think."

I only nodded, not knowing what she meant. It was strange. This and everything else was strange. I didn't belong here. Nothing felt right. I was clueless and helpless. Then more than ever I wished I was back at home with my family where I could control everything, where everything made sense. I hoped it were soon, I was a king's guard now, I could ask the head mage for a favor, and this'd all be over. But it wouldn't have been that easy, nothing ever was since that day.

A/n: so the prince is a little baby. Well that was expected. I know this might be too soon but watch out for a book about Prince James.

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