56: You

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Cyr regarded me with an intensity that could've burned away my skin. His eyes seemed to undo and unfold me till he found an answer. But if he had found an answer it didnt satisfy him.

"We were to bury you today," Cyr said. "Just before we were to depart."

I squeezed the handle of my bag, keeping my eyes on Cyr and Cyr alone. Dozens of eyes watched us, watched me. Had this many people been aware of my death?

"I don't understand this either."

"I suppose," Cyr said, seeming to accept the impossibility that I was, "there are some secrets only death reveals." He mounted his black stead and looked down at me. "Will you still accompany me, Miss December?"

I glanced about at the other four horses and their riders. Nareem and Dolce were mounted on their own horses beside Cyr. Two horses were without riders. It was safe to say that I was at a great enough distance that I couldn't cause a stampede.

"Cyr," I said tentatively, "I, horses, it's complicated, not really—"

"You can ride with me."

My insides churned at the sound of his voice. There was Philip, clad in leather, sword hanging at his hip, a lopsided grin on his face. Just like the night I'd met him. But now he wasn't just Philip, the man who saved me, who was helping me, he was my protector, though he may have took on that role long before I knew it.

"You never learned how to ride?" Cyr asked, stealing my attention away from Philip.

"Horses find me threatening," I replied.

Cyr nodded. "Very well, Marigold will assist Miss December."


I swiveled to the sound of her voice, only for her to catch me in an embrace. I returned the embrace as gently as I could with her protruding belly between us. Tears streamed down her face when she broke away to take me in.

"I sat over your lifeless body, and took your cold hand in mine," Uta murmured, tucking a curl behind my ear as her eyes roved over my face, searching for the lie, waiting for the moment she would wake. She never did.

I began to explain but she silenced me. "You realize how special you are, don't you? You have a long life ahead. So much more to do." Her gaze was unflinching as she told me this, I almost believed it.

A hand wrapped around her hip and tugged her back. Hoku nodded at me, in greeting. Uta looked up at him, something very familiar to guilt crossing her face.

"You shouldn't be down here," Hoku scolded softly.

She pouted. "I only wanted to see December off. And being cooped up in bed isn't good for the baby."

"Reema!" A young girl called, as she exited the elevator and ran up to Nareem. She looked about 12 or 13, with curly leaves for hair and bark brown skin, just like Nareem.

Nareem dismounted his horse and met the young girl. She handed him a sack, hugged him then sped back into the elevator.

A throat cleared and directed my attention to Philip, who climbed his horse with a showy ease. He brushed the steeds mane and seemed to whisper into its ear. Once he was finished with whatever he was doing, he turned to me grinning. "Come on now, he's agreed to have you."

I took tentative steps toward them. But the horse didn't flinch, didn't run, he was calm. Philip gave me his hand and helped me up and onto the saddle behind him.

"How did you that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I am a nature mage Miss December, we have a way with animals just as much as we have on plants."

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