35: All The Happy Things In Life

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I bristled and raised my head, only for our eyes to lock. His eyes reminded me of my own, and that was enough to scare me out of my seat. "Uh, I, uh, thanks for the meal Uta, but I have to get going. My sister's probably awake by now."

She pouted. "But you haven't even finished your meal. Alright, you go ahead. I'll see you around."

The strange man's gaze followed me as I left. If Nareem really worked with Cyr, then there was a good chance the Cyr he spoke of were the same.

I didn't waste a beat, I raced all the way back home. I slammed the door open and what I first saw scared the living day lights out of me. Brise with her hair down over her head, walking out of her room. It isn't as scary as it may seem, but let me tell you if you saw her like this let's say in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere you'd probably either scream your head off or wet yourself. Not noticing me she continued into the kitchen, where she fell onto a chair, dropped her head on the table as she groaned.

I released a breath, closing the door behind me as I entered and took a seat opposite of her. She lifted her head, blinked her red rimmed eyes and dropped it again. "Ugh, I feel like crap."

"I'll heat up your breakfast," I sighed. Once she ate her heated meal she wasn't as groggy and weak, and almost back to being her normal spiteful self.

"I think Cyr lives here," I said.

"What gave you that idea?" She squinted.

"I was at the orphanage earlier and the boyfriend-husband, the man, of this volunteer girl mentioned Cyr."

"That's all? that's it?" She hissed. "You should've stayed and listened for more."

"That would be rude. And really awkward. Plus, he was strange-looking."

She grunted, rising from her seat. "Weakling. Never send a dummy to do a detectives work."

Before she could leave I blurted, "Xon was looking for you this morning."

She halted, her shoulders tensing. "What for?"

"No idea, he was acting all strange. Fidgety. Did you threaten to kill him or something—wait no that doesn't make sense. Anyway, that's that."

Brise winced suddenly. "We are never to speak of this again. Ever."

She stalked out the door, slamming it behind her.


Whatever Brise had gone to do she didn't come back anything time soon. So I decided I'd return to the maintenance crew. Which was how I ended up at the community hall, mending loose floorboards when I received an unexpected visitor.

"Need any help?"

I looked behind me to see Rowan, leaning towards me, a brow raised.

"I'd say yes, but I just finished," I said. He pursed his lips, looked around at the empty community hall, then took a seat beside me.

"Got time to spare then?" He beamed.

"Sure." I told him about the snake-eyed man and what he said about Cyr and how Brise went to do what I couldn't.

"Snake eye," Rowan mused. "I think I know who you're talking about, tall fella, red hair, mean-looking face?"

"That sounds like him. How did you know? Did you meet him?"

"He was with Xon when we were being interrogated. I think he can tell when someone is lying. Or at least scare them into telling the truth."

"If it comes back that it's really Cyr then we have to inform the king."

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