43: Earn His Trust

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Philip demanded.

"I mean she's gone," Hugh replied, casually slipping a leg over the other. "She's left with Leofwin. The king has sent her away again, indefinitely."

My chest squeezed but I didn't let it show. I couldn't fall into disarray yet.

"What for?" Philip grunted.

"That is on a need to know basis," Hugh said carefully. "I don't see why you should know."

Philip's eyes narrowed. "You don't know either, do you?"

Hugh stood swiftly. "I trust the king. I trust he knows what is best. But if you don't think that's so, I suggest you bring it up to him yourself." Hugh started for the door. As he was about to exit, he turned to us. "You should get going now, Cyr will become suspicious."

"Was it you?" Philip said.

Hugh froze in place. His frightening eyes locked on Philip. "What?"

Philip's lips parted, when I sunk my fingernails into his arm. He sucked in a sharp breath and looked my way. I shook my head briefly.

"Never mind," Philip muttered.

"No," Hugh said firmly. "Tell me, what do you think I did?" He was unrelenting and stubborn.

"Not now," Philip said quietly. "You will soon find out."

Philip and I left the lounge to find Eve standing just outside the room. She folded her arms over her chest and regarded us sternly. "What is the matter?"

Philip's hold on my wrist tightened at the sight of her. "We'll be returning today."

She nodded. "That is for the best."

We found Lucius, Brise, Rowan and Lance waiting for us in the courtyard.

"Oh please waste more of the day," Brise grunted.

"We're here aren't we," Philip retorted.

"You're late."

"You've been late a few years now. Grow up little girl."

Brise reached for the knife tucked securely into her bag's strap.

"Alright!" Lance clapped. "Let's all make up now. Please, if not for yourselves, then do it for me. Don't tear each other's heads off."

Brise dropped her hand. "Fine."

"Gather round," Lance instructed. We came together, forming a circle. "Cyr will be making his move and everyone is on their guards. Your mission plays a crucial role in assisting our defense. Whatever you are able to observe you are required to relay. He is aware of the presence of spies in his camp if he has a spy in the castle. But he won't know who you are because of your cloaking devices. He will, however, be on his guard as well. Do what you can to earn his trust, whatever it may be, for his trust is of immense importance. Understood guards?"

"Yes sir," Philip saluted, a three finger salute. I had seen dad do that once when he was visited by an older man dressed in fancy clothing, with Kreatier's emblem, the hoku, embroidered into his cape. A man carrying many medals across the right side of his chest. He was missing a foot and a hideous scar had shriveled his throat. I had asked dad, why he didn't salute with all five fingers. And he'd told me, a three finger salute conveyed the deepest respect. I obviously thought that made no sense. I didn't know then that a three finger salute was a promise of sheer loyalty. A promise of honesty. Dad then lowered those three fingers, raised two instead and held it over his heart. And then it became an affirmation to a completed duty.

"Off you children go now. Be safe and be strong."

Brise and I started off first. But as we left we were stopped by the woman whose baby I had rescued. She had spotted us passing and rushed through the crowds towards us. She thanked me and practically begged me to request something of her. I politely declined. So she only returned my scarf and thanked me again.

The day passed dully quick. Though that only raised suspicion. Cyr had garnered quite a good number of followers across the land, we were of course the results of his work. To send his guards to infiltrate Cyr's organization, only showed how much his presence threatened his majesty. But despite all that, things seemed strangely quiet. Where were the revolts, the demonstrations, the strikes and marches, the angry acts of the wronged? We had passed through at least a dozen villages, but all so, silent.

By the time we reached the giant forest, the sun had just begun to wind down. Standing at the edge of the forest, Brise took out the bell we had been given, to signal our arrival. The bronze little bell rattled loudly in the dense silence of the forest. It seemed so trivial and even dumb, but if we'd walked in there on our own, we'd have to only hope we'd make it out sane. After a while, Xon appeared off in the distance.

Brise's expressions remained hard. She rarely smiled. She never seemed to show fear or worry. But what did that mean? Did she not possess such capabilities or was she just great at hiding it?

With Xon's company we walked in a tense awkward silence, that condemned my every twitch as crime. Worse in the elevator when we had to stand so close to each other. They were both statues, soundless and motionless. What had these two done to each other? I could only wonder. When we reached the building they left the elevator almost simultaneously. Brise hurried off while Xon lingered behind. As he began to leave I caught him with my words, "I'm sorry if she did something that hurt you in any way. She can be harsh."

Back to me, he nodded and left quietly. I winced just pondering their situation.

"They kissed you know," a voice said. I found the source to be Mars who had been there at his desk, apparently the whole time. He hid his face behind a book as he spoke. "Probably did more than that. Couldn't keep their hands off each other."

I scowled, my stomach turning. "Didn't need to know that." Though I had to admit it made perfect sense. "Why do you know this?"

"Because they had found this a great place to press faces, I was here, but as always no one noticed. I left, don't worry, I'm not that weird."

"I think it's best we all pretend we saw and heard nothing, yeah?"

He shrugged. "Don't worry about me the last thing I like to do is talk to others about who's kissing who."

"But you just told me, didn't you?"

"I pitied you. Your oblivious statement, set off a chain reaction of cringes, that forced me to break from my usual indifference."

I left Mars to his own company. Only, as soon as I left the building I was met by Nareem. I couldn't keep myself from thinking about Hirai whenever I looked at him. Though he annoyed me to no extent, I missed the way we'd bicker and fight and make up. He wasn't just my brother, he was my friend, and he treasured me as much as I him. Overprotective, though he were a good years younger, he promised to fight whoever who so much as looked at me strangely.

"You're December, aren't you?" he said.

I blinked back to reality, nodding.

"Cyr wishes to speak to you."

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