59: The Land That Follows The Light

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Not many people have been to Ogalsia, save for those who didn't survive the trip back. If one found fault with Kreatier they were reminded that Ogalsia was a hundred times worse. But truth be told, I didn't know if I could trust that, knowing so little about the world beyond Kreatier's borders. Perhaps, it was a brighter place, not the totalitarian state it had become to be known as. Perhaps it was better.

The world beyond Kreatier and Time's Playground was a place of dreams and untold beauty. Had a Kreatian stumbled upon such a landscape Ogalsia would never have been a thought. Unlike the ruins on Kreatier's end of the forest this place was abound with life and hope and a beauty born from purity. Or so it seemed.

Time's Playground was haunting and dark. It was another being's property, we were intruders and as a result our stay was far from welcomed. It kept you on your toes and had your head over your shoulders constantly. But this field was springtime and sunshine. The air felt breathed directly from the lungs of the gods. The world moved in a way that a leaf flew in the wind, free, unconstrained.

"Sunflower," Nareem murmured, taking in the vast sunflower field with eyes round with wonder.

"Yes Nareem my boy, behold Ogalsia's gold." Cyr stretched out his arms as if to encompass its great beauty.

"Why, with this much sunflower one could fuel a whole army!"

"Sunflower is as precious as it is dangerous, keep that in mind boy. It does wonders for the mortal body but an excess leaves in its wake crippling effects. Isn't that right, Sir Marigold?"

Philip nodded, stoic. "Indeed you are."

I tried not to look at him. His words returning as an echo that didn't fail to sting with every word. Instead I lost myself to my new reality, I was in Ogalsia. The land that follows the light.

Maybe, there was someone here who could help me.

Cyr led the way through the field. "An acquaintance of mine will arrange our accommodations and transportation to the royal palace."

"Is he aware of our arrival?" I asked.

Cyr nodded. "He has been informed."

"Master has garnered many acquaintances across the lands," Dolce said, surprising me slightly. "Many who trust him."

"He means Cyr," Nareem added. He had returned to his present self as well but once I'd seen him so torn and desperate it was difficult to pretend I hadn't.

For a awhile the only sound came from the rustle of the sunflowers at the  journey of a breeze. But then the wind swept by, carrying a curious chuckle that halted me in my steps.

"What's wrong?" Dolce asked.

I searched for the source among the rows and rows of gold. "Did you hear that?"

"What?" Nareem turned round.

Cyr had halted as well and regarded me cautiously. "Perhaps you heard one of the servants. They should be tending the fields about now."

I nodded, reluctantly accepting Cyr's suggestion that left room for one question, if it were so what business did a child have in the fields? And a sunflower field of all places.

The answer would come soon enough when the top of what looked like a tower appeared over the top of the sunflowers. The field eventually gave way to a dirt road and massive wrought-iron gates welded to resemble halves of a sunflower. Beyond it was a path that led directly to the doors of the manor whose towers we had seen. The property was grand and large stretching far and wide. And heavily guarded it seemed.

Armored guards with crossbows and swords greeted us behind the gates.

Cyr stepped forward arms raised over his head "Good men, we come with no ill intention. My name is Cyr I am a friend of General Sorge. He is expecting my companions and I."

"Cyr you say?" Said the guard at the center of their formation, the leader.

"Aye." Cyr nodded.

The crossbows and swords lowered and men moved to open the gates. The leader started towards the manor with Cyr at his heels, and the rest of us following in suit.

I couldn't help but take in the manor, a tall brick home fit for a noble. Shimmery pebbles lined the paths. Framing the building were peonies and roses and ivy that crawled and covered the walls. A patio curved around the entrance. Empty and very much welcoming.

The guard led us around the mansion through a shady path and to the back of the manor which was a landscaping masterpiece for all I knew about landscaping. A fountain was built at the center, surrounded by patches of the strangest flowers I had ever seen. Each trimmed and carefully tended to. It's owner had an eye for unusually pretty things it seemed.

Past some hedges and through a gate we finally met the owner. He was sipping from a golden goblet surrounded by three barely dressed women on a gazebo by a lake. At the sight of Cyr he stood and met us at the foot of the steps.

He was a man about as old as Dad. But he was built like a man with half a century more to live. Bright blue eyes and a dimpled chin. He gave one look at his female companions and they knew to leave.

"Cyr!" The general exclaimed, dawning a large smile. They embraced briefly.  "How long has it been, my brother?"

"A good while Hamil," Cyr replied, "it is good to see you doing well."

"Likewise!" The general looked our way and our gazes met briefly. "Who might these good men, and woman be?" When our eyes met a second time a shiver ran down my spine.

"Companions of mine." Cyr sent us a tight-lipped smile. He never intended to tell him our names for whatever reason.

"Well you all must be starved and exhausted." The general clapped his hands together. "Liam won't you show our guest to a warm meal and a bed to rest their heads, while I catch up with my old friend."


After we ate to our fill we were each directed to our rooms. The interior was as grand as the exterior would suggest. With fine furniture and high ceilings and a large twisting stair case that led to the second floor and its many rooms. But like the castle it was void and lonely.

The room was spacious with windows running the length of the wall. Set at the center was a bed large enough for at least three people.

But as comfortable as it was and as exhausted as I felt it took a while to fall asleep. And when I did I slept longer than I intended and woke after night fell, parched.

The halls were dimly lit by the candles along the walls, and I vaguely remembered the way to the kitchen. Eventually arriving there I found a water pitcher and a cup.

I satisfied my thirst and turned to leave when I heard something that shackled me in place. It was the only thing to be heard in the dead silence of the night. Weeping. Coming from somewhere behind the kitchen.

I moved towards the door the sound had emanated from when a cold large hand caught me by the shoulder and spun me around to face the owner of the manor.

A/n: not much in this chapter, just wanted to give y'all a look into Ogalsia. Also sunflowers are royalty-tier flowers 🌻 🌞 👑 What's your favorite flower?? (Sorry if I talk about flowers too much but nature is beautiful)

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