25: Rowan

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By the time we arrived at the manor the sun had just dipped beyond the horizon and the first stars had come out to shine. At the gates, after KB identified ourselves to the heavily-armed dark-armored knights we were allowed to pass through. Hugh met us at the manor's door where he helped us carry the pursuers to their cell, which I felt was unnecessary because as far as escaping was concerned they were lifeless statues.

The manor belonged to a member of the Council of Tribes, an elderly cyclops called Aglovale. The Council of Tribes was made up of a representative of each race, or tribe. They were essentially advisors of the king, usually chosen by the majority of the race to represent them. Every two months the Council of Tribes met with the king to discuss matters regarding the livelihood of each and all the races. Which was why I was put on guard duty the next day, outside the meeting room. Opposite of me stood another guard wearing similar armor to those at the gate, raven-black armor. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated. But I forgot that beneath all that armor was just another person with a job, like me.

"I'm Rowan, what's your name?" He said so quietly, for a moment I thought I had imagined it.

"Mo," I replied. "Just Mo."

"Nice to meet you, Just Mo."

I smiled beneath my helmet. "No, I meant my name is Mo, it's not short for anything. Most people think it is."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mo. Beautiful name, by the way."

"You too, Rowan."

He chuckled lightly. "Thank you but I know two other Rowans, so I'll thank you for them as well."

"You do that."

Our conversation flowed so easily, possibly due to the fact that I couldn't see his face and he couldn't see mine. It's always easy to talk to someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of you.

"Well Mo," Rowan said. "Am I right to assume that you are a girl?"

"You're right. And you're either a guy or a girl with a really deep voice."

"The first one is correct." He paused, then asked, "do you enjoy being a knight?"

"I guess. What about you?"

"Well, at first, then I realized it was pretty boring. Then one day I suddenly had more than one mouth to feed and that's kept me going."

"Do you have kids?"

"Something like that. They're more like my younger siblings. Do you have any siblings?"

"Oh yeah, I have two." My throat constricted at the thought of Ray and Hirai. "Little rascals, those two."

"You live far from them?"

"They're as close as can be but sometimes they feel so far."

"The job of a knight is demanding."

"It sure is."

A moment of silence passed between us. Then he said, "I know this is out of the blue but, would you do me the honor of allowing me to be your first dance tonight?"


"Yes, tonight, at the ball."

"But I can't dance."

"That's alright I'm not very good either. I'll find you."

The doors to the meeting room swung open. The king was the first to leave the room. When he walked past me, I quickly followed after him, nodding a goodbye to Rowan.

When the king disappeared behind his quarters' doors and Ingram joined me to stand guard outside his quarters I asked him about the ball.

"Oh that, almost forgot to tell you," Ingram said. "The old cyclops organized a ball for the local people. And since we're on day duty, if we feel like it Hugh said we can attend the ball tonight. You know, dance, eat, socialize."

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