55: Protector

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When my eyes snapped open again I was welcomed by the sight of a very angry Philip being restrained by Lucius and Rowan from harming Brise who was defenseless and more dazed than frightened.

Lucius saw me first. He shook Philip and pointed, but to no avail. Philip was consumed by his wrath.

"What's," I said, and all bodies bristled, except Lucius who sagged in relief. "What's going on?"

Their eyes connected with mine. A beat passed.

"Mo?" Rowan murmured tentatively, as if he were unsure if it was actually me.

"Rowan," I replied.

Philip was pale-faced and bewildered. But he took the first step toward me. "Are you Mo, are you actually Mo?"

I scowled. "Who else would I be Philip? What, did I loose my scales?" I raised a hand to touch my face when his arms devoured me in an embrace. His sturdy arms held me in an irons' grip, one that made it very difficult to breathe.

"Philip," I wheezed. "I can't breathe."

His arms fell. He leveled his eyes to mine and only then did I see the tears glistening in his own. "I thought you were gone forever."

"I'm here." I tried a smile.

He gripped me by the arms, looking torn but relieved, destroyed but strung together all at once. "Do you know how scary it is," he heaved, "touching you and not feeling any warmth?"

I do. I took his face in my hands, wiping a stray tear. I downed the air like I'd never breathe again and stared into his dark eyes like I'd never see them again. Who knows what death awaits, but surely it didn't have Philip. "I'm alright. I'm safe. I'm alive."

I turned my gaze to Lucius and Rowan, who both looked about ready to burst into tears. Philip's hands loosened and I stretched out my arms to the two. They attacked me at once and then I'm crying. And I can't help but note how much I've been crying lately. But this was a cry of relief, of utter joy.

"Was I out for long?" I asked as they stepped back.

"A day," Philip answered, looking better, but still keeping his gaze locked on me like he was scared that if he so much as blinked I'd disappear. "A very long day."

"Did I..." I hesitated, because the answer seemed clear. But I asked anyway. "Did I die?"

Silence filled the room as Philip, Rowan and Lucius exchanged glances.

"Why did he let you go?" Brise asked, reminding us that she was present. She stepped towards me, bewilderment etched into her features.

"Are you talking about, Death?"

She flinched but quickly schooled herself. She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.

"I don't know," I murmured, noting the presence of my pounding heart and heat spreading through me with every beat. "He said something about time not listing me yet and certain things being disrupted. I'm not sure."

"She just woke up," Philip grunted. "Could you hold off your questions."

But Brise ignored him. "Why did you do it? Why did you take my blade?"

I stiffened. "You were—"

"Did you intend to end your own life with it?" She jabbed.

"Ok thats enough," growled Philip.

He grabbed her by the arm but she jerked her arm back and came forward. "I didn't need your help. You could have wasted your life over nothing. Your lucky Death is an idiot enough to let you go."

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