36: The Execution That Ruined Arthur

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"so you want to join the rebellion?" Hoku, the snake-eyed man asked. Hoku, the sixteen-pointed star emblem of Kreatier and the name of a rebel. How ironic. His eyes narrowed, as he regarded Brise and I, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. You'd think that he wasn't so scary after you saw him smile, but knowing he only smiles so much for only one person made it scarier.

"yes," Brise said, her voice steady.

The door creaked open behind us and Philip, Rowan and Lucius entered.

Hoku lifted his gaze to them, his eyes narrowing."What's going on here?"

"We're deserters, we told you that," Philip said. "We didn't leave because we were scared, we left because we were forced to fight a war we didn't believe in. A war that's torn apart families and destroyed lives. If there's anything we can do to end it, we'll do it."

"What about you two?" Hoku returned his eyes to Brise and I. "Why do you choose to rebel?"

Brise took my hand and said, "is my sister not enough of a reason for me to fight. Wherever she goes, people look and ask, whisper, become scared. She's not a monster, she's sweet and kind, and caring and she won't leave you in a giant forest by yourself even though she says she will. I want a world where, we can walk hand in hand and people won't try to tear us apart."

Hoku seemed reluctant to yield. "Alright."

So, two hours before midnight, we left down the tree and followed Hoku to the edge of the forest.

"You know which way to go," Hoku said. "A wagon will be waiting for each of you at the designated point. It will take you to your destination. Distribute and return, that is your mission."

Nods, for a see you later. And we dispersed. Lucius and I walked in silence through the tall grass. A clear night sky, welcoming all the stars to a ball where they could dance till the sun's return. The unmoving moon seemed to guard its little lights. Tiny rocks crackled under our feet and against the hard dry earth. Crickets relished themselves in their choirs.

"Can you see?" I asked.

Lucius looked over at me and nodded, his thumb and index finger only slightly parted.

"Sorry that was rude," I winced.

His shoulders bumped up and down as he shook his head.

"How will I know if you're sad or happy?"

He tapped a finger against his chin then raised his finger. His hands in fist, he raised it to either cheek and connected his thumbs to make a semi-circle, resembling a smile.

"Happy," I said.

He turned the smile upside down.

"Sad," I said.

We arrived at the road and just as Hoku had said, a wagon awaited us beside the road. The coachman was a scruffily dressed, bearded man, missing an eye.

"Bikol," I said, what Hoku had instructed me to say.

The coachman nodded silently, Lucius and I climbed onto the wagon and the horses started down the road.

For a while all I did was stare at the passing scenery of the seemingly endless tall dry grass. Until Lucius tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a sheet of paper. I took it from him to see that it was one of the flyers we were tasked to distribute. He glided a finger across the paper, then pointed at me.

"Do you want me to read it to you?"

He nodded.

I cleared my throat and squinted at it under the dim lighting of the moon. Lucius hovered a hand over the paper. His hand slowly began to glow and illuminated the contents of the paper: the mask Cyr had worn, and below it, writing: LONG LIVE BIKOL. I recited the words, not knowing what it meant.

"Who is Bikol?" I muttered.

The coachman's head turned round. Completely, like an owl. I guess he was just that good at horse riding. He regarded me sternly with his one eye, then his head swiveled back.

"Rebels without a cause, aye?" the coachman said.

"I'm not following?"

"Bikol is the very reason we are at war with Edward."

"Edward? Of Ogalsia?"

"Aye," he affirmed. "Bikol was one of Edward's man. A knight. You're both quite young, I don't believe you were old enough to remember the execution that ruined Arthur. The other side, it will tell you all you need to know."

"The other side?" I muttered. Lucius pointed at the flyer. I flipped it over to find inscriptions. Lucius held his glowing hand over the paper and I began reading, "my name is Cyr and I was banished from Kreatier many years ago. I used to be King Arthur's guard, his friend and before all that a knight. One night, on a walk along the borders of Kreatier and Ogalsia, I wandered upon an injured fellow. It was clear to me that he was poisoned. But every nurse, doctor and mage I had brought him to, was unable to treat him. I decided to try the last person I could think of, I brought him to the head mage whom I worked closely with in my work as a king's guard. She was able to treat him. It took a few days but finally he was healed. However, I was not able to return him to the border just as yet as I was away. When I returned from my duties I was horrified to find the young man whom I had brought to be treated by the head mage being slaughtered by his majesty."

I swallowed, taking it all in.

"His name was Bikol. He was a vuruk. And he was from Ogalsia. I know my actions were not right. I should not have brought anyone into the royal castle without his majesty's permission. But I did not expect his majesty's actions either. King Arthur, on his coronation day, promised a new era of peace and prosperity. He was the king who promised the emancipation of vuruks. I had decided to serve as his guard for that very reason. I believed that he was different from his forefathers which was I felt betrayed and deceived. Overtaken by rage, I committed a cowardly and atrocious crime, I attempted to harm the queen. Even to this very day, my actions haunt me, if by some miracle I could take it back, I would not think twice. I was exiled, punished to wander for the rest of my days. But Kreatier was and will always be my home. And I refuse to watch it crumble before my eyes. This is my story. This is my plea. Remember Bikol. We have suffered enough under his reign. Stand by me and we can and we will create a brighter future for Kreatier."

a/n: whose side are you on? cyr's or the king's? 

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