Chapter 5: Vampire

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The next week passed with Taehyung still holding onto my hand wherever we went together. I was growing quite fond of having him around me all the time, his presence I felt had a calming effect on me. Taehyung seemed to feel the same way about me as he would now sit next to me at lunch rather than across the table. We hadn't been on an official date yet unless I guess you counted our impromptu after-university coffee hang out? I wanted to ask him but I was so nervous. What if he would say no? Ava of course told me I was being ridiculous.

I finally decided today would be the day that I would ask him out. I had texted him to meet me outside the library after our last class for the day as we were in different lessons today. We had switched phone numbers after our coffee hang-out. I tried to gather all my courage as I waited patiently in front of the library for him as everyone else filed out of campus for the end of the day.

Twenty minutes had passed but he still wasn't here? I'm sure he had replied to my text with 'sure.' Why hadn't he shown up yet? He's always one to be punctual...maybe he's lost again like his first day? I tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I'll just go have a quick look for him. If I can't find him then I'll go home.

I turned some corners and walked a fair bit until I had reached the furthest building from the library. I still couldn't find him. I was starting to get annoyed, had he seriously ditched me? Maybe I should just leave now. No, I'll just call him one more time and if there's no response I'll leave I decided. The ringing started and I could hear a buzzing noise? A phone vibrating maybe? I followed the sound as It got louder and louder, leading me to walk past the building to where the rubbish bins are kept.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. My mouth opened wide. My throat became dry. My breathing stopped. My phone fell out of my hand and clattered to the floor. Fear paralysed my entire body.

There Taehyung stood holding a girl's lifeless body as he bit viciously into her neck. Crimson streams caressed their skin as he devoured her lustfully,  blood pooling onto the floor below as he sank his teeth deeper into her throat.

My breathing began to catch in my throat as my lungs protested to breathe but I couldn't make myself move, all I could manage were tiny gasps at the air around me. Slowly Taehyung lifted his head as he sighed contently, licking his lips to savour the taste. His eyes closed as a crooked grin appeared on his face, and his eyes fluttered back open as he leaned down to take another bite. I began to drag my feet forcefully away but Taehyung had heard me, his eyes locked on where I was standing. His face exploded into a contorted expression of pain upon recognising me. I covered my mouth in shock as I continued to step away from the monstrous scene. Taehyung lifted his bloody hand towards me but I couldn't watch anymore. I ran. The last thing I saw was his red mournful eyes.

My legs pounded frantically against the ground, adrenaline pumping through my veins. What was that..what was Taehyung doing!? Was that girl dead? I can't think of that now. I need to get home and fast! I kept running despite my body screaming at me to stop but I couldn't. What if Taehyung was right behind me and worse what if he was going to do to me what he did to that girl!? I was too scared to even look back.

I've never had to run for my life before, to think at any moment I might die. Just like that my life could be over, everything I've worked for gone in an instant. As I ran out onto the busy street it took everything in me to not cry out for help at what I had just seen. But would anyone even believe me if I did?

Finally, I reached the entrance to my apartment complex. I desperately punched in the pin code for the door and dashed up seven flights of stairs. Reaching my apartment door I anxiously fiddled for my keys as my whole body vibrated. I opened the door and slammed it shut as I locked it securely behind me before sprinting into my bedroom to do the same. I gripped the door handle tightly as I tried to calm myself down but as I did I heard a creaking sound from behind me.

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