Chapter 11: Mischievous

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It was cold.

Too cold.

My fingers and toes were numb, my whole body felt frozen. I began moving around and felt something silky brush itself against my cheek. This bed wasn't mine. Where was I? My eyes opened slowly to reveal a room I had never seen before. As I sat up and looked around the place I noticed it was extremely modern looking. The walls were made of marble, consisting of light and dark grey tones. I was laying in a large king-size bed, two bedside tables adorned on either side. Across from me was a chest of drawers and a mirror hung above it. Behind me was a large window revealing the woods? Just where the hell was I?

My teeth began to chatter. I could see my breath in front of me. Why was it so cold? I had left my coat at the cinema with Taehyung...Taehyung! I reached into my back pocket for my phone but it wasn't there. That's right I dropped it and then..and then..what? Why can't I remember what happened after that?

I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth. I need to get out of here and find Taehyung, I decided. I slid off the bed as I made my way towards the door and to my surprise, it was unlocked. I carefully pushed it open, revealing a dimly lit hallway. Suddenly in the distance, I could see the glint of red eyes staring at me. I blinked and now they were directly in front of me along with a crooked smile. "Hello." A voice spoke.

I screamed as I fell backwards onto the floor, landing on my butt. The door opened wider to reveal two guys standing in the doorway. The first was wearing a black collared silk shirt, his hair a dark silver colour that parted into a wave on the side of his face. His eyes were a crimson red colour as they pierced me along with his plump lips flashing his teeth. The second person was wearing a large cream-coloured knitted sweater, underneath was a white collared shirt that poked out. His outfit was more childish compared to his friend, maybe he was younger? This person's hair was slightly shorter compared to the first guy, it was a dark chestnut colour as it stretched its way across his forehead. His eyes also were red as they looked intently at me. Who were these two? I knew one thing for sure, they were definitely vampires.

"Oh, you're awake." The silver-haired man spoke as he stepped further into the room.

"Why is she sitting on the floor like that hyung?" The brown-haired man asked.

"How should I know? Hey human, why are you sitting on the floor?" The silver-haired man asked, unamused.

"Ah Jimin hyung, maybe humans don't use chairs anymore?" The brown-haired joked as he leaned closer to his friend, Jimin.

"Jungkook, don't be ridiculous." Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose. Okay so their names were Jimin and Jungkook but that didn't explain what I was doing here.

"I am on the floor because you scared me!" I said loudly as I stood to my feet, both Jimin and Jungkook looked at me. "Who are you and how am I even here?" I asked.

Jimin's eyes twitched in annoyance at my sudden question, he took another step towards me. "We don't have to tell you anything human." He said in a dark tone. I instinctively took a step back to create some distance between us. "All you have to do is be good and then maybe we won't turn you into a snack." His dark red eyes glared into mine. I shrank away from his intense stare, gripping my arms for comfort.

"Hyung, you're scaring her," Jungkook said in a mocking tone before covering his ears with his hands. "Your heartbeat is so loud, It's bothersome." Wait, they can hear my heartbeat? Taehyung never told me that.

Jimin scoffed. "Whatever, just sit on the bed and don't leave the room. We'll know if you do." He said menacingly. I quickly sat back down, afraid of what he might do if he became too angry. Jimin flicked his head for Jungkook to follow him as he left the room but he didn't move.

"Ah hyung I'm bored, can't I wait here with her?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin deliberated for a few seconds before answering. "Fine but you can't drink from her until later."

"I know," Jungkook said happily.

Jimin shut the door harshly, the sound seemed to bounce around all of the walls as it echoed loudly. I pulled the covers off the bed and wrapped them around myself for warmth, Jungkook leaned against the chest of drawers opposite me. His curious gaze rested on me as he analysed me, his eyes weren't red anymore instead they were a very dark almost black brown. This gave me some comfort, at least I wasn't going to be eaten right now. A few minutes of silence passed as neither of us spoke. I mean what was I supposed to say exactly?

"Why are you doing that?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

I looked at him confused. "Doing what?"

"Shaking like that."

Really, he doesn't know? How long have these guy's not been around humans? "Because I'm cold. Humans need to keep warm, you know." I said bluntly.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that, it must be exhausting trying to stay warm all the time." Jungkook said as he crossed his arms.

We descended into another awkward silence, is this his way of killing time? What was going to happen to me later? "Why am I here?" I tried asking again, maybe without his friend he might tell me.

Jungkook waved his finger in the air at me as a devilish smile caressed his face. "I can't spoil the surprise." He said in a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes at him, fine don't tell me. I looked back to the chest of drawers but Jungkook wasn't there. Instead, he was sitting next to me on the edge of the bed. I instantly jumped out of my skin upon noticing him. He leaned his face closer to mine. I leaned back as I tried to get away, he raised his hand and pushed me off the bed. I fell down with a large thud.

"What the hell! Why did you do that?" I asked in annoyance from the floor, rubbing my back.

"I wanted to test how weak you were." What? Who thinks of weird crap like that!? Before I could open my mouth to respond however Jungkook had picked me up in his arms, throwing me onto the bed. At least this time my landing was softer.

"Wait!" I said breathlessly. Jungkook ignored me as he continued to pick me up and throw me into the air a few more times. Luckily each time I managed to land on the bed.

He chuckled. "This is fun." Yeah maybe for you!

"I'm not a toy! Stop using me as your test dummy!" I demanded.

Jungkook rubbed his chin as he looked deep in thought, muttering the words "Test dummy." He quickly looked at me as he moved at an ungodly speed towards me, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room into the hallway.

"Ah wait! Didn't your friend say that I shouldn't leave the room?" Jungkook didn't respond as he guided me towards a grand set of stairs leading down to the ground floor. Next to it was a railing revealing the floor below.

Jungkook looked over as he grinned from ear to ear. "Perfect." He turned his excited eyes towards me. No, he can't mean to throw me from here, surely not. I'd most definitely break a few bones or at worst die. Is he insane!?

I tried to pull my hand out of his hold. "Let's just talk about this for a moment, Jungkook. There's nothing for me to land on down there." I said, trying to reason with him but his giddy expression didn't change. I'm really going to die at this rate. He began lifting me into his arms again. I squirmed desperately in his grasp. "Jungkook stop please!" I cried out as he lifted me over the railing before dropping me.

I was falling. I was going to die. I tightly closed my eyes as I waited for the hard floor beneath me to hit me.

A/N: Jimin and Jungkook have arrived! Oh but will Piper survive the fall? Find out in the next chapter~

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