Chapter 10: Taken

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After an intense weekend of trying to keep the peace between Hobi and Taehyung, I suggested we do something fun. It had been a while since our last date. On our next day off from uni, we decided to go to the cinema. I wasn't entirely sure if it would be something Taehyung would be interested in. I mean if you've been alive for more than three hundred years maybe you'd have particular tastes? To my surprise, however, he seemed eager when I suggested the idea to him.

As we walked into the building we were immediately greeted with various movie posters adorning the walls. I wonder what genre of film Taehyung is into? Maybe the classics? I tried to look around for a film that would maybe suit that genre but I couldn't see any. "Which one do you want to watch?" Taehyung asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"I don't mind, is there anything in particular that you would want to see? Or...have you seen them all already?" Maybe going to see a movie was the wrong idea for a date with a vampire.

Taehyung flicked my forehead lightly, in fact, it was so light that I wasn't even sure he had made contact with my skin. "You're so silly sometimes. Just because I'm older doesn't mean I've seen and done everything." He teased me.

I bit my lip out of embarrassment, my bad for over-thinking. I quickly glanced around the room and picked a random movie poster. "Okay then, let's watch that one." I pointed to the poster depicting an action movie, two people stood back to back holding guns.

"You sure?" Taehyung asked. I guess he didn't think I'd like a fast-paced movie.

I nodded. "I'm sure." He walked over to the ticket counter to buy our tickets while I headed over to the snacks. I picked up a bag of popcorn, sweets and a drink. A big highlight of having a vampire boyfriend was that I never had to share my food with him.

We sat down in our seats in the theatre. Taehyung had chosen seats that were right in the middle of the room. I took my coat off as I laid it over my legs, placing my snacks in my lap and my drink in the cupholder. "Good haul?" Taehyung asked, smiling.

"Extremely good. I got toffee popcorn, the best of all the popcorn flavours in my opinion." Taehyung chuckled at my logic. I began opening my snacks, Taehyung looked at me confused.

"Why are you opening it now? The movie hasn't started yet." His eyebrows scrunched up.

"Uhh because it will make a noise when the movie is playing, this way I won't disturb anyone. Why did they not have cinemas back in your day?" I laughed but then I quickly realised that they wouldn't. Great one Piper. "Sorry they didn't, did they?"

Taehyung smiled as he shook his head. "No they didn't but we had some magnificent plays." Taehyung's eyes seemed glazed for a moment, he's never really spoken about his past with me. He must miss his life before becoming a vampire.

I squeezed his hand. "Is this your first time at a cinema then?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"No. I think the last time I visited one was back in 1930 or 1940?" Taehyung rubbed his chin.

"Really!?" I said a bit too loudly, which resulted in some people around the theatre shushing me. Taehyung laughed. "Well, I can assure you this will be a completely different experience for you." I smiled.

"Oh, I'm sure." He said amused. The movie began playing. I wrapped myself around Taehyung's arm as I began to munch away on my snacks.

Halfway through the movie, I needed the toilet. I knew I should've gone beforehand but I got too caught up with chatting to Taehyung. "I'm just going to the ladies' room," I whispered into Taehyung's ear as I quietly got out of my seat, leaving my coat and snacks behind. I crept down the dimly lit steps as I made my way out of the theatre to the bathroom.

As soon as I walked in I noticed the various pieces of popcorn stuck to my sweater and trousers. Oh gross! I quickly pulled them off and chucked them in the bin before going to the toilet. Afterwards, I washed my hands and tried to freshen myself up a bit more, smoothing my hair out and making sure I looked alright. Okay, this will do.

I walked back out into the hallway, stretching my arms and legs a little bit. The cold always made my bones ache more than normal, as I stepped towards the theatre I heard my phone fall out of my pocket. I rolled my eyes as I leaned down to pick it up off the floor but before I could reach it I heard something.

Something enchanting, inviting, warm. I wanted to follow it for some reason, my feet moved on their own. I'm not sure what it is but I want to see it and be close to it.



It had been twenty-five minutes now, shouldn't she be back already? She never usually takes this long. I texted her a few times asking if she was okay but she hadn't replied to any of my messages.

I decided I had waited long enough as I picked up both our coats and made my way out of the theatre. I inhaled deeply, this isn't something I've told Piper I can do. I can smell her scent, in fact, I've grown so used to it that I'm quite good at finding it from far away now. I walked down the corridor towards the bathroom but I stopped in my tracks once I saw Piper's phone on the floor.

I crouched down as I picked it up in my hands, my texts from earlier were unopened. She definitely didn't leave this here on purpose. I continued to follow her scent until I found an opened fire escape door.

As I stepped outside my nostrils were filled with a different scent, a stronger scent. I know who this belongs to. I scoffed as I gripped the door handle tightly. "I'll kill them," I said through gritted teeth.

I raced outside In the direction of my car, throwing Piper's coat into the back seat as I put the car into drive. I sped across the dampened roads, just wait for me Piper. I'm on my way.

A/N: What has happened to Piper? Will she be okay? Sorry for the shorter chapter but we will be meeting some new faces in the next chapter so enjoy!

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