Chapter 8: Hobi

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Two weeks later

Taehyung and I were officially dating. I still didn't really quite think it was real. I mean a human dating a vampire sounds like something from a made-up fairytale but it was true. I really was dating a vampire and he wasn't evil or cruel like stories depicted him being. He was kind and gentle. 

After our kiss outside my apartment complex, I practically sprinted inside my flat and immediately rang Ava to gush about my date with Taehyung. "And then he kissed me!" I said excitedly down the phone.

"He what!?" Ava said in surprise.

"I know! It just happened all of a sudden." I lay on my bed, remembering the way his lips had touched mine.

"Even making the first move. I'm impressed." Ava said teasingly.

"Ha ha very funny," I said sarcastically.

"Such a sly fox. I thought you were more timid Piper!" Ava said jokingly.

"Okay, I get it!" I sat up in my bed as she laughed down the phone, questioning me for over an hour on all the extensive details about my and Taehyung's date.

Since that day Taehyung and I had been on a few more dates. I still felt fairly shy whenever it came to holding his hand or kissing but I was slowly getting used to it. Seeing him at uni every day certainly did help. Ava would tease me most days, complaining that she was the third wheel but I tried to make sure I didn't leave her out too often.

My older brother Hobi rang me today. He said he's coming down for the weekend. I was so excited to see him, it's been ages it feels like since I last saw him. He's pretty busy most of the time managing his dance studio back home and taking his team to competitions.

I waited outside the train station to greet him, it was fairly cold today as I pushed my hands deeper into my pockets. As a new crowd of people left the station I spotted him, towering over everyone. Carrying his duffle bag over his shoulder, wrapped up in a tan-coloured coat with fur around the hood. His hair looked rather windswept as it parted along his head, revealing his forehead. He looked tired. I quickly waved to him. "Yo, Hobi!"

His eyes wandered the crowd looking for me. Once he had spotted me he quickly smiled his wide grin. He made his way over to me, dropping his bag to the floor as he picked me up for a hug. "Ya! Put me down!" I laughed.

He put me down on my feet before pouting. "You're so mean. I haven't seen you in ages and this is how you treat your brother." He said in a glum tone.

I playfully hit his shoulder. "I'd see you more often if you weren't so busy all the time! You even skipped Christmas because you were touring with your competition team." I quipped.

"Fine, I'll allow that." He said. I held my hand out in front of him, he looked at me confused.

"My Christmas present?" I asked, my hand still raised.

"Ya, is that the only reason you were excited to see me?" He said, eyeing me carefully.

"Of course," I said nonchalantly but I quickly began giggling as I couldn't keep up the act. Hobi ruffled the hair on my head.

"You haven't changed." He smiled to himself. "How are you doing? Have you made friends?"

"Yes, your younger sister is very good at socialising! I'm not a loner."

"That's good. Mum and dad will be happy to hear that." Hobi said. He picked up his bag as we began making our way out of the station and onto the street.

"How are mum and dad? Is dad's foot still bad?" I do talk to our parents often but because I don't live at home anymore they try not to worry me about their problems. As they want me to focus on university.

"Actually it's better. Mum did have to practically tie him to the bed so he would rest but he's doing well." I smiled, that's good to hear.

We walked together to his hotel, he dropped his bags off and then asked for a tour of the place. This was the first time any of my family had come to visit me while I was at university. Sure I'd travel back home to see them but I hadn't actually shown any of them my campus. Hobi was always so busy nowadays that I hadn't seen him in such a long time.

First I showed him my apartment. He thought the area it was in was decent but he complained that my room was a bit too small. I told him I didn't mind the size that much, it was just better that it wasn't too expensive. University fees alone were enough.

Next was my university, he was wowed by the number of buildings. "Do you not get lost?" He asked as we walked around.

"On my first day? Yes, a lot but after a few days you get used to it and I only really have classes in about three of the buildings. So It's easy to remember." I said. We kept walking until we reached the cafeteria. "Hungry?" I asked, Hobi nodded his head at me.

We sat down to eat, the cafeteria food was one of the big highlights of campus. I was expecting it to be like high school cafeteria food but it wasn't. As I was halfway through eating I heard someone call my name. "Piper!" I looked up to see Ava making her way over to me.

"Hey, Ava." I smiled as she pulled up a chair next to me.

"What are you doing here during the weekend?" She asked, stealing some food off my plate. I glared at her.

"I could ask you the same." I quipped.

"I couldn't study at home so I'm working in the library but who is this? A new friend?" She elbowed me suggestively.

"This is my brother."

"Oh hello, my name is Ava" She began fluttering her eyelashes. I kicked her leg under the table, she turned to look at me but I ignored her.

Hobi chuckled. "Hi, I'm Hobi. Piper's older brother." He smiled

"Has Piper shown you around campus?" Ava asked.

"Yes, she has, it's quite pretty here," Hobi replied.

"Yeah, it is although not as pretty as Piper's boyf-" I quickly clamped my hand over Ava's mouth. Why did she have to openly talk about everything!? Hobi looked at me confused. I did want to tell him about Taehyung of course but I wasn't sure how he'd react. I kept my hand on Ava's mouth for a second longer before I pulled it away.

"Ah, there was a bug!" I said quickly, staring menacingly at Ava to not say a word. She nodded as she began talking about something else but Hobi continued to look at me suspiciously. I quickly stood up. "Ah, I haven't shown you the library yet have I?" I grabbed Hobi's arm as I began pulling him away from the table but as I did I collided with someone. I looked up and there was Taehyung. Perfect timing.

"Piper." Taehyung smiled warmly.

I half smiled as I opened my mouth to speak but Hobi beat me to it. "Who is this Piper?"

I guess there's no way to avoid this now...I hadn't actually referred to Taehyung as my boyfriend before. This was going to be the first time. "Ah..he's my um uh-"

"Boyfriend. I am her boyfriend, who are you?" Taehyung asked in a slightly dark tone.

Hobi pulled his arm out of my grip as he folded his arms over his chest. "I'm her brother," he said confidently. The tension in the air became so thick you could've cut it with a knife.

A/N: Uh oh what will happen between Hobi and Taehyung? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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