Chapter 18: Enemies

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They wouldn't actually drink from me...would they? I closed my eyes, afraid of what was about to happen next. Suddenly I felt a cool hand grasp my wrist. I gasped aloud at the abrupt motion and opened my eyes to see Taehyung.


His eyes were also a dark shade of red. I tensed, both from seeing him and being scared of what he might do. To my surprise, however, he led me over to the sink, running my finger under the tap. He then turned his head to look at Jimin and Jungkook and said in a low voice. "Go."

They disappeared. I guess that's one of the benefits you get when your top dog, he let go of my wrist before rummaging inside one of the cupboards. He pulled out a small first aid box. I scoffed. "Vampires need first aid?" I joked but he didn't respond, were we really still not talking to each other?

His eyes were now back to their dark chocolate brown colour, my favourite colour. He carefully placed a plaster over my finger as he held my hand gently in his. I could feel his grip loosening as he began to move away but I held on tightly. "Taehyung, will you talk to me please?" I really did hate fighting with him.

He looked at me from underneath his black curls, his eyes looked sad. He didn't move or speak, I guess I was going to have to start this. "Look I know...last night wasn't exactly amazing but I don't want to fall out with you over it." I bit my lip anxiously.

"I'm sorry..." He said softly as he cradled my hand to his face. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." His voice began to shake. I've never seen Taehyung this upset before.

I didn't care anymore at that moment about what we were fighting about. I just wanted to console him, to assure him that everything was going to be okay. I hugged myself close to him, he buried his head into the base of my neck. We stayed like that for a while as I stroked my hand across his back in a soothing manner.

I pulled away as I looked at his face. "Would you explain everything to me?" I asked, he nodded his head at me.


A couple of hours later

After finally cooking myself a meal and basically inhaling it so my stomach wouldn't interrupt me again today we went to the living room, we sat down on the sofa together in front of the already lit fire. "That person you bumped into yesterday was a vampire called Jin," Taehyung said slowly.

He sighed. "In the past, we've had some trouble with that coven." I stared at Taehyung to be more specific. "What I mean to say is that they don't particularly like us."

"But why? I mean I understand not liking Jimin but you." He chuckled at my joke before holding my hands in his.

"Vampires can sometimes have very strong opinions, being around so long can make you so strongly set in your ways. As you would know, Jimin is not fond of humans." He shot me a small wink.

"I told you how Jungkook was causing problems in our world, he had a target on his head. In order to take him out me and Jimin enlisted the help of this other coven" My mouth fell open in shock.

"I had come across the two of them before meeting Jimin, Jin and Yoongi. Yoongi is even older than me. I believe he told me he was turned around the 1500s." Taehyung said.

"Woah." I thought it was crazy that Taehyung was over three hundred years old but being over five hundred years old? That just didn't seem real in a way.

"As for Jin, he's closer to my age. I met the two of them when I was around sixty years into this life. I looked up to Yoongi, he seemed so much wiser than me but I guess that's because he was older. I didn't stay with them for long but they seemed good to me." He said solemnly.

"Because Jungkook was so sporadic and unhinged I thought if there were more of us we would have a better chance at killing him." Taehyung's face tightened.

"Obviously you know that didn't happen, my decision to take him in did not sit well with the others. Namjoon especially was infuriated."

"Wait, hang on. How many of them are there?" I was confused.

"Just three. Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon but they can be vicious." Taehyung gritted his teeth together.

"I tried to explain my decision, that we needn't be so violent and kill him but they disagreed with me. Jimin was on my side no matter what but to the others, this was considered an insult." His gaze fell to our entwined hands.

"A fight erupted but what I wasn't expecting was for Jungkook to save me. I had been overpowered by Yoongi, Jimin was barely fending off Jin and Namjoon. Yoongi was trying to tear my head from my body but before he could Jungkook attacked him, ripping part of his shoulder away with his fangs." I became unnerved slightly by the idea of Jungkook tearing part of someone's body away.

"This weakened Yoongi considerably, Jin and Namjoon instantly came to his side to protect him. I backed off, assuring them I didn't want to fight but they scarpered off with Yoongi before I could get another word in. They've resented us since that day, hating the fact we were able to get the better of them." His gaze shifted back up to mine.


"I know it's a lot to take in. I'm sorry I've dragged you into this Piper, truly I am." Taehyung squeezed my hands.

"But what would they want with me?" I mean I haven't pissed them off.

"They've been waiting over a century to find a weak point, to strike at us again. As much as I hate to say it, you are that weak point, Piper. Especially for me." Taehyung said in a sombre tone.

I thought over everything Taehyung had just told me and realised at the root of it all he was just scared for my safety. "I forgive you."

"You do?" Taehyung said in a disbelieving tone.

"Yeah, you were just trying to protect me. If I was in your shoes I'd do the same, although I'll admit I hated being left in the dark about why." I squinted my eyes at him.

He smiled before leaning his face close to mine, our noses nearly touching. "I'm sorry." His breath brushed over my lips, inviting me in. I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled his lips onto mine and kissed him.

Taehyung broke away so I could have a second to breathe. "That was intense." He smirked at me.

"I've missed you, don't go away without me again."

"Never." Taehyung breathed as he latched his lips back onto mine, running his fingers through my hair.

A/N: All of BTS have now been introduced! What did you think of the back story to the other coven? Let me know in the comments!

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