Chapter 24: Memory

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1 week later

Nothing was working. I had tried following Hobi's advice of retracing my steps, as much as I could anyway as I couldn't remember much leading up to my accident but I was still drawing a blank. I was getting frustrated. This method was clearly leading me nowhere. I had to go back to the mountain, to the spot where I fell.

Ava was obviously horrified by my plan and insisted I just gave up on it, move forward and forget about my recurring dream but I couldn't. I needed answers. "Look, either come with me or don't Ava. I'm going regardless." I said sternly.

Ava looked panicked by my firm decision. "Okay fine!" She eventually gave in. "But we are just going to the base of the mountain. We're not climbing the trail." She waved her finger at me.

"Fine by me." I didn't care as long as we were going.

The following day we rode the bus towards the woods, the mountain in question was part of a nature reserve conservation area meant to help the wildlife. The idea was that you donate some money before walking the trail and hopefully see a deer or some other small animals. The journey there takes about an hour, this was another thing that confused me. Why did I suddenly decide I wanted to visit this place? I mean it's so out of the way from school. Did I ride the bus there like this too? It just didn't make sense...

Ava proceeded to fidget in her seat for the entire journey, she hated everything about this plan of mine. Finally, we had made it, we both hopped off the bus and walked over to the base of the mountain where a large wooden sign sat. A map had been spread out across it showing the various coloured trails. "Do you know which trail it was?" I asked as my eyes scanned the board.

"No sorry..." Ava shook her head at me.

I studied each individual trail dotted along the map but none of them seemed to ring any bells. Maybe I just walked up the mountain without following one? A small group of middle-aged people gathered at one of the benches situated a few meters away from the board, one of them holding a red flag. A hiking group perhaps? "Okay guys, we are going to be taking the purple route today. You can find this on the maps I handed out earlier. There's a number of things to see from the viewing spot, including an old 16th-century style church." The woman leading the group said.

A church? Why did that feel somewhat crucial... I looked over the map again, my eyes following the purple dotted line until I could see a small drawing of a church. Suddenly images began flashing through my head. A church. Snow. A hole in the roof. I gasped as I held my temple. What was that!?

"Piper? Are you alright?" Ava said worriedly as she came to stand next to me, placing her arm across my shoulders. The church...a church covered in snow. There's no way I could have seen it before and yet it was so vivid in my head. This doesn't make any sense. I don't understand.

"Piper, I think we should leave-"

"No! I-I mean.." I needed to get rid of Ava for a bit. I needed to see this church in person. "I just have a headache..can you buy me some water from the gift shop?" I asked as I nodded my head towards the shop that was across the way.

Ava looked at it before looking back at me, nervously chewing her lip. "Okay but don't move from the sign." She warned before turning around

I waited until she had stepped inside the small shop before bolting my way up the path. I'm sorry Ava but I have to figure out what it is exactly I'm seeing in my head. I ran as quickly as I could up the steep incline, Ava would no doubt be rushing after me once she'd realised what I had done. It was essential that I got to that viewpoint. I just needed to see it for myself. I panted heavily as I ascended up the steps to the railed viewing point, several hikers looked at me weirdly as I made my way past them. I didn't care.

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