Chapter 19: Attacked

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Five days later

I was beginning to get slightly frustrated by this whole arrangement. The boys were allowed to leave anytime they pleased but I could not. My sudden absence from uni and my life, in general, had not gone unnoticed by Ava.

"Where have you been?" Ava said worriedly down the phone to me.

"I uh-"

"Piper, is something wrong?" Ava asked in a concerned tone.

"What? No, no. It's just Taehyung, he's ill so I've been taking care of him." I tried to say the words convincingly.

"Oh no that sucks, what's wrong with him?"

Nothing, he's a vampire! "Ah-flu! Yeah..he's got it pretty bad."

"Bad enough for you to not come to uni?" Ava asked in a sceptical tone.

"You'd be surprised, when I came to check in on him he was practically half dead." Not going to mention the fact that he is already dead.

"Wow, do you want me to drop stuff off for you around his place?"

"No! I mean I don't want you to get sick as well, it's horrible. I just...would you mind taking some notes for me? I don't wanna fall behind in class." I hated that I was asking this of her.

"Oh I've been doing that for you anyway, check your emails when you get a chance."

I did not deserve Ava. "Thank you, Ava. I seriously owe you one."

"That's alright but when do you think you'll be in class next?" Ava asked in a sad tone.

"Not for a few more days at least, Taehyung still has a fever." Who knows I might just live in this house until I die seeing as these other vampires can't.

"Oh well...I guess I'll just leave you to it."

"Thanks again, Ava." I really meant that.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I sighed as I placed the phone down, hanging my head. Taehyung squeezed my free hand. "Are you okay?"

I looked up to meet his eyes. "Yeah. I just hate lying to her, that's all."

"I promise this is keeping her safe too." Taehyung pulled me into his arms.

"I know," I said in a glum tone as I buried my head into his chest. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Movies?" Taehyung suggested.

I groaned. I didn't mind watching a film but Jungkook and Jimin would always ask a million questions throughout it and I would end up being the one that didn't know what was happening. "Fine but Jungkook and Jimin have to actually shut up!"

Taehyung chuckled. "It'll just be Jungkook, Jimin is out hunting."

"Again? I swear he's been every day this week." I mean I know they have to eat but Taehyung's kinda explained to me that they don't need to feed that frequently.

"He said one of us has to be at our strongest at least if it comes down to a fight."

"What's that supposed to mean? Aren't you all strong?" I asked.

"We are but it's known that vampires who feed on human blood are shall we say sturdier than those who drink animal blood." I looked at him confused, wasn't blood just blood at the end of the day? Why did it matter where it came from?

"Okay let's phrase it like this, two people are going to have an arm wrestle. One works out occasionally and therefore has more muscles whereas the other person doesn't work out at all. Who do you think would win?" Taehyung asked.

"The person that works out," I answered.

"Exactly, the person that works out is the vampire that drinks human blood and the other is the vampire that drinks animal blood. It's not too big of a disadvantage but it's still said that the vampires drinking human blood would do better." I suddenly realised that Taehyung was still drinking animal blood for my sake, regardless if that made him weaker.

"But...I don't want you to be vulnerable," I said quietly.

He smiled at me. "I won't be, you worry too much." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "As I said, it's only a small disadvantage." Yeah, that somehow didn't make me feel better.

"Don't worry Piper, I'm very good at fighting." Jungkook appeared with his eyes a crimson red, smiling. This was another downside to staying here, everyone had superhuman hearing! I felt like I had to tiptoe around the place.

"Jungkook, what did I say about knocking?" Taehyung said sternly. This was something Taehyung had asked of the guys so I would have some privacy and know when they were about to enter a room.

"Oh!" Jungkook said before disappearing and then he knocked twice on the door.

"Come in," I said robotically.

He reappeared smiling as if the previous thirty seconds hadn't even happened. "So what film are we going to watch?"

"What film do you want to watch Piper?" Taehyung asked me.

"I don't mind as long as there's no talking." I shot Jungkook with a very hard glare.

"I won't if we watch something I want to watch." Jungkook chimed.

"Which is?"

"A horror movie!" Jungkook said excitedly, he disappeared again before I could argue with him.

I cringed at the idea, wasn't the fact that another coven of vampires was potentially after us enough horror? "We don't have to if you don't want to," Taehyung said softly into my ear.

"No, it's long as it's not too scary." I half-smiled.

"I'll protect you if it is." Taehyung joked. I chuckled as I kissed his lips.

We made our way downstairs and into the living room where Jungkook already had the film queued up ready to go. I curled myself into Taehyung's side as Jungkook pressed play. I was going to bury my head into the base of his neck if the film was too much, he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me in place.

I jumped at nearly every jump scare yet the others stayed as stoic as ever, surely a vampire can also be scared sometimes? I even yelped a couple of times. "Ah Piper, I thought we weren't talking," Jungkook commented.

"Well I'm sorry but it's really scary!" I said as I covered my eyes.

"Is it?" Jungkook said sceptically. I've changed my mind. He's more robot than vampire.

We were about an hour into the film when I decided I needed a break. I shifted in my seat before whispering to Taehyung that I was going to get a drink from the kitchen.

As I walked into the large hallway to make my way to the other room the front door opened slowly. Jimin staggered into the house. "Jimin?" I said worriedly, the hood on his jacket was up and his face was down.

I walked over to meet him halfway but as I did he fell to his knees. I caught him mid-fall and then realised that he was covered in blood. "JIMIN!" I shrieked.

Instantaneously Jungkook and Taehyung were at my sides, their eyes gleaming red and their teeth bared. A snarling ripping noise emulated from their mouths. I cradled Jimin to me as I heard another set of footsteps walk into the house.

Standing in the doorway was a person I had never seen before, his hair was dark blonde and on the shorter side as it had been pushed over to the side. His features were smooth, a crooked grin covered his face revealing two dimples on either side of his cheeks. Then someone I recognised walked in, the stranger I had bumped into before. Jin.

Their ruby eyes stared at me.


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