Chapter 22: A Choice

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Shit, shit, shit!

This was all my fault! I should've thought about whether or not they'd find the house. I should've gone through all the possible outcomes when it involved Piper. Dammit!

"Hyung, hang on!" Jungkook yelled from behind me in the distance.

We were running through the woods, Piper's scent was faint but I could smell Jin and Namjoon and which direction they had gone. "I can't wait! I'll lose the trail if I stop now."

"What about Jimin? We've just left him at the house!" Jungkook said worriedly.

"No, you left him! I told you not to follow me!" I exhaled deeply before speaking again. "He'll be fine, don't worry about him." I tried to say reassuringly before I gritted my teeth together. I was worried about Jimin but my only focus right now was Piper. How far will they have taken her? What was their end goal exactly? Would they let her go after she removes the Juniper flower?

"What's the plan when we get there?" Jungkook asked, his voice was closer now. He was slowly catching up to my speed.

"Our main priority is Piper, after that...I'm going to kill them." I said darkly. I've never been one for violence in the past but I couldn't tolerate this. If they had hurt her in some way...I don't think I'd be able to control myself.

I forced my body to move even faster than I was already going. I have to get to her. I have to know that she's safe. "Ah, wait Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted as I lengthened the distance between us.

I skidded to a halt in front of an abandoned-looking church. The place reeked of Jin and Namjoon's scent, so much so that I nearly gagged. We were high up in the mountains, far away from any kind of civilisation. Makes sense they'd hide Yoongi here, away from prying eyes. I bared my teeth as I readied myself for a fight, the snow squelched beneath my feet as I paced over towards the church. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with a smell I knew. A smell I had smelt before. Piper's blood.

I ripped the door away from its hinges, discarding it behind me as it crashed into several trees. That's when I saw it, Yoongi's teeth were embedded in her skin. He was feeding on her. Rage overcame me as my eyes widened at the sickening scene that was unfolding before me, a ripping noise emulated itself from my mouth loudly. Yoongi's eyes opened as he looked at me, he removed his mouth as he let go of Piper's body. She crumpled to the floor as a rag doll would do as if she was dead.

I was horrified, my body began to shake violently. "Oh, Taehyung. It's been a while." Yoongi said casually, unaware that he had just murdered the love of my life.

I revealed my fangs as I snarled viciously at him, crouching down into a stance. "Oh, was she a friend of yours?" Yoongi said as he trailed his finger across his bottom lip, licking off the remaining blood.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" I launched myself into the air, gripping his shirt as I pushed him against the ground which created a trail of broken stone slabs.

He smiled at me as we skidded to a halt, his eyes crimson red. "You reek of animal blood, pathetic." He spat as he clasped my throat with his hand, throwing me into the rows of seats. They splintered upon impact.

"You've fallen so low Taehyung, involving yourself with mere humans." Yoongi laughed maniacally as he threw his head back.

I growled as I picked up one of the pews, hurling it towards him. He dodged instantly as the wood crumpled against the opposing wall, shattering into small pieces. "Let's get serious then shall we?" Yoongi chimed as he sprung towards me, gripping the back of my skull as he smashed my face into the stone wall. He then threw me upwards through the hole in the ceiling.

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