Chapter 36. Sunshine.

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~No one's P

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~No one's P.O.V~

The Kingdom of Castellio was a rich one. Their army wasn't huge nor that strong, the kingdom wasn't loaded with happy people living the best life, but hard work paid for the people's food, and the King's and Queen's thrones.

Y/n remembered it so clearly. The difference was from when she would walk into the castle, their almost shining garden and the vibrant colors of their clothes, or when she would walk through the town of people with the same dirty kimonos and sandals.

However, people seemed to be more alive around Y/n whenever she came to visit and help out. Whether it was hunting with the men, or working with the women to make their life a little easier with the hot metal.

And that would be his chance.

Wherever Y/n went in that Kingdom, the youngest prince followed not too far behind. This meant when Y/n entered the women's workplace, the prince would stand in the door-opening to watch.

She entered and untied her hood from the top of her robes. Her fast and sure walk quickly gained the attention of the women on their breaks, who quickly pulled their kimonos to cover them right.

"Well, look who's here." Kihou, one of the more teasing women of the bunch grinned when Y/n walked in and stripped herself of her robes for it to hang around her waist, leaving her standing with her sleeves still tied across her shoulders, and a very thin shirt, "Evening. All right if I work the bellows for a while?" She asked despite already walking over to it.

"Well, I guess so." Kihou huffed before the women followed Y/n.

"Excuse me." Y/n smiled kindly at one of the women, placing her hand on the rope above hers, "May I try it?" A blush covered the woman's cheek upon being spoken so kindly to. It was so opposite of what she was used to.

"It's okay. Might as well let her try." Kihou reassured the woman that it was okay for her to give up her position. And she let Y/n take over hesitantly.

Y/n would often help the women of the town with whatever Dufy they had, but never had she been in there before.

The youngest prince's eyes widened when Y/n placed her foot on the bellow and pressed down hard, making the other side go up high, which caused the hard-working women to laugh.

Out of the five on the opposite side of Y/n, four of the women decided to simply leap onto their side for their weight to pull it down, laughing when Y/n pushed down on the other to make them go back up into the air.

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