Chapter 49. A Cursed Love.

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~No one's P.O.V~

The news had all but those already aware gasping. Chills were running down their backs at the mere thought of Elizabeth suffering an untimely death.

"Wait. What do you mean she's gonna die? You're joking, right?" Diane asked Y/n, who remained silent, "Say something."

"This is no joke." Y/n muttered, "This has always been a part of our destiny." Y/n spoke, brushing Elizabeth's hair away from her closed eyes.

"Now, there's no need to hide it from you anymore." Meliodas stated, "So, We're just gonna tell you everything. The goal of this 3,000 years journey of ours."

Y/n hummed, wondering of how she should go on about the start of the story Meliodas wanted to share, "3,000 years ago, during the Holy War, Elizabeth and Meliodas were both punished for the crimes they committed." Y/n started the story without turning to the group.

"Me for being a Demon that fell in love with the most common enemy and went on to betray and kill his own kind." Meliodas held on of Y/n's hands, "Her for being a Goddess who fell for someone the Goddess race had deemed impure, and chose to save her enemies."

"Wait, what?" King frowned, "Punished by who?"

"By two gods."

The thunder roared around them. Two were breathing heavily. Meliodas and Elizabeth were both on their knees, breathing heavily. In front of them, keeping the two gods from them, stood a large beast.

"The ruler of the Demon race, the Demon King, and the leader of the Goddess race, the Supreme Deity."

A white scaled Dragon roared at the two enemies before them, a teal, mint green mane running down the thin and long back of the Dragon and it was blowing widely, making the large creature look even bigger.

The snarling Dragon turned its head slightly to look back at the two it so dearly wanted to protect behind it. A purr rumbling in its chest, almost as if pleading them to leave the battlefield. The two seemed to understand the pleading look in the Dragon's eyes. And the one thing they agreed on just had to be stay and battle.

The Dragon turned its head back towards the two gods, barring its long fangs before a terrifying roar broke from its throat. Its back rising to show that it was ready to fight.

"We were outmatched." Y/n voiced, continuing the story, "With so much at risk," Her grip on Meliodas' hand tightened a little without her even paying attention to the fact, "I could not focus. I couldn't go all out. They were just too powerful."

"And in the end, we were all killed. Or so we thought."

"I'm not sure how much time had passed. A day, a week. There was no way to know." Y/n carried on the story as she had been the first one to wake up.

Y/n groaned as she sat up, her mostly healed body aching under the movements. She took a deep breath before she turned her head. Her eyes widened at the two figures laying further away from her.

Y/n stumbled to her feet in a hurry, almost falling over again when she got up. She fell to her knees by their sides.

"Somehow, Meliodas' wounded body had healed back to normal again. He was breathing. Alive."

Y/n's eyes fell on the bloodied body of Elizabeth, her breath shaken and caught in her throat. Her wings were clearly broken, her body sprawled messily as she had landed on the ground.

"But... It wasn't the same for her. She was still dead, cold to the touch."

Slowly, almost as if scared to hurt the Goddess further, Y/n picked her up. She lifted her head to wiped a little of the dried blood away from her cheek. With shaking arms, Y/n pulled the dead Goddess into her arms. She threw her head back, a scream filled with pain escaping her lips and traveling over the land.

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