Chapter 12. Jerk.

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A contemptibly foolish person.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Meliodaf has started things up with a ferocious preemptive strike!" Love Helm shouted excitedly as Y/n sat up absurdly, looking around with slightly widened eyes as debris fell off her head.

Y/n made eye contact with Meliodas, whose fists were clenched by his sides as he walked over to her, "Look, those boys have the wrong person. I don't remember them at all, okay?" Y/n tried to reassure him, holding her hands up.

"That's enough!" Meliodas went to punch her, she rolled out of the way, sliding across the ring, a glare now on her features instead of her soft (e/c) eyes, "Back off, Meliodas!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n could see Ban with a wide grin on his lips, his eyes closed happily as he chuckled smugly.

"This might get ugly if I don't fight back." Y/n spoke to herself, lifting her hand, it made contact with Meliodas' fist. Grabbing his wrist in a quick motion, she twisted it, making him groan before he was pushed back.

He skidded back, growling as he held his arm before jumping right back at his opponent. The ground beneath them cracked open on several occasions as the two fought.

"Sheesh, can the ring even  take all this punishment?" A man questioned as he took large steps back from the ring.

Meliodas went to deliver another punch, only for Y/n to block it with her arm before defending herself from another hit by punching his other arm back.

Sending one of her own at him, he caught her fist in his hand as she had done previously, using it to hold her close as he kicked her in the stomach, making her feet lift from the ground, she punched him, making the blonde fall on his back.

As her feet landed on the ground, Meliodas flipped himself up, "Jerk!" He sent a powerful punch at the girl, Y/n blocked his punch with her hand, her other arm behind it for support, however, the loud cracks that followed made chills run down people's backs.

The two froze in the position. Their body tensed as they could both feel a massive wave of Magic heading their way.

Jerk, huh?

Then I guess guys don't need me around...

"What's going on?"

"Is it over?"

"Don't leave us hanging!"

"Start fighting!"

"They haven't flexed so hard that they wet themselves, have they?" Hawk questioned with Elizabeth on top of his head, wrapped in the cloth Hawk had ever so amazingly wrapped around her.

Without a word, Ban began taking long strides up to the ring. King and Diane looked at each other, giving a small nod, King levitated over to the ring while Diane followed Ban up the steps.

"What's the matter? What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked silently as Meliodas let his hand fall and he and the other Sins turned to the people of Vaizel.

"My real identity is Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins! I'm Meliodas, the Dragon Sin!" Meliodas shouted out to the people, making some gasp while others snickered at the 'kid's claim.

Y/n lowered her arms, feeling her right arm twisting and turning as it healed, looking at her palm, remains of blood were there. She sighed.

"We're taking over Vaizel! Everything here belongs to us now!" He continued as Y/n turned her head to them, looking at the Sins' backs.

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