03 | Meeting the Family

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I froze in place as I noticed everyone's eyes now on me, "Wie is dit? (Who is this?)" his mom questioned through squinted eyes that I almost mistakenly took as a glare.

I looked to Ade, again not understanding what was being said and hoping for some translation which I once again was denied. Maybe I should just learn whatever language this is? "Stefan Meyer.", he mumbled my name in a tone I couldn't recognize "My... mate." He revealed as he threw his apple away and disappeared up the stairs, leaving me, his mom, and who I assume to be his brother alone in the large kitchen.

I turned to the two strangers as I heard the faint click of a bedroom door. The guy didn't even react as he rubbed at the dark eyebags beneath his eyes, wincing when the goddess lady smacked his hand away with a spatula. "Ow ma, that's hot!" I watched as he fanned his hand in the air.

"Don't rub your eyes like that!" She scolded before giving him a pointed look as she noticed him sending her a glare, "Gaan slaap bietjie. (Go and get some sleep.)" She waved the spatula towards the stairs causing the tan guy to let out a quiet sigh before walking past me and up the stairs, paying my frozen figure no mind as he did.

I quickly turned my attention back to my mates' mother as I heard a soft hum, flinching when I made eye contact with a pair of bright Caribbean blue eyes. "So you're my baby's mate, huh?" she questioned as she looked over me in awe, looking me up and down. "I didn't think we'd be meeting this soon." She gushed.

I scooted back a little as she came closer, "Wait, you know about me?" I questioned with an arched brow, I also pointed a finger towards myself just to make absolute sure we were talking about the same person.

"Of course, I knew as soon as he found you." She said matter of factly "You don't understand how happy I was when Eze told me about you. I immediately linked Ade and told him to bring you to the pack house and-" she let out a quiet growl mid-sentence. "- can you believe he had the nerve to tell me no?" she continued saying with a disappointed look on her face.

She ranted about how she carried him for four months and how the least he could do was be respectful; I let out a small chuckle as I listened to her rant. She reminded me of how my Oma would act with my Papa. I discreetly bit onto my bottom lip, it was a coping habit of mine that Savannah has scolded me for many times.

"Oh! Sweetie, are you okay? what's wrong?" The dark-skinned she-wolf got even closer to me, looking at me with an annoyingly concerned expression. I knitted my brows together in confusion, reaching my hands up to feel my face as I noticed her trying to do the same. I froze when I felt wet streaks on my face, oh c'mon. I took a deep breath as I wiped off the tears with the back of my hands, "I'm okay." I said quickly as she took a step closer.

She looked at me, skeptically staring into my eyes as she debated whether to question me further or just drop it. Luckily, she went with the later option, "Okay, how about you sit down and I'll finish cooking. Have you eaten anything yet?" she asked while turning back to the food that I've just noticed had been cooking on low this whole time.

I shook my head no before going to sit down on one of the stools that surrounded the marble island set in the middle of the large modern kitchen. "Well lucky for you, you got the best cook in the pack standing right in front of you." she replied with a cocky smirk and I let out a laugh, my first real one since meeting my jerk of a mate.

I watch her cook for the next hour or so, listening to her tell stories about Ade. She asked about my childhood and I gave minor details here and there, not really in the mood to talk about my past with someone who's technically still a stranger. She never pressed me to talk whenever I didn't want to answer something, which I was extremely grateful for.

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