06 | The Real Reason?

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Starting at the ending of "04 | Stupid - Hurt"

Stefan spat the mix of blood and saliva at his mate, the liquid landed on his white shirt causing the material to turn a fading red color as it spread. Ade looked up from the red stain to his mate with a glare, the only thing stopping him from forcing his mate into submission (using his alpha voice) being his wolf.

"Fuck you, Ade." He spat, slamming the door before walking towards Eze who had been waiting at the entrance. Ade watched him with a cold glare, everything about the smaller male seemed to bother him and what really pissed him off was how disrespectful he was.

Despite being mates Ade tried not to seeing him as one and part of not seeing him as one would be not allowing him to speak however he wants, and yet, he can't bring himself to use his alpha voice on him. If any other person had cussed him out his wolf would've been clawing to get out and tear them apart, but this time his wolf was clawing to get out for another reason. Their mate.

Ades' fist tightened on the wheel as he watched both his mate and sister walk into the school before pulling out the crowded parking lot. The ride home was quicker than usual and quieter as his wolf refused to speak, upset at the fact his mate had been hurt.

Ade stripped his shirt off as he exited the car, the liquid already semi-dry and becoming a giant blob of light brown. As he entered the kitchen he made sure to toss the now ruined shirt in the garbage.

Ade quickly climbed the steps to his floor and made his way to his room, he could tell as soon as he stepped into the large room that it had been cleant. He hated when pack members were assigned to clean his room, he didn't like knowing people had entered without his permission and it was something he would have to bring to light at the next pack meeting.

He went into the restroom attached to his room and started the shower. He put his already braided dreads into a bun, and as he start unbuttoning his pants he heard the creak of a door being opened. It was quiet and a normal person wouldn't have heard it, especially not over the sound of a running shower; Ade made his way to the restroom door, already knowing who it was as soon as he caught a whiff of their scent.

The alpha leaned on the frame of the door, watching as his youngest sister cautiously peeked inside, "Ja, Ku? (Yes, Ku?)" He questioned, causing the young pup to jump at the sudden sound of his voice.

He spoke in Afrikaans to her because since the beginning of their packs creation it had been a rule to speak to pups in only Afrikaans until their 5th verjaarsdag (birthday), the elders wanted the pack to keep Afrikaans as their first language, it didn't seem like an important rule but they continued to follow it nonetheless.

The rule had been brought to light at many pack meetings before, the main focus being how confusing it was for the pups to grow up with one language and then all of a sudden be spoken to in a different one but no matter how many times the topic was discussed the rul had never been abolished.

Ku entered further into the room, taking slow steps as she made her way to her eldest brother, "Pappa het gesê hy moet met jou praat. (Daddy said he needs to talk to you.)" She rocked back and forth on her heels as she spoke, looking at nothing but the ground.

Ade groaned at the mention of the former alpha, already knowing what he wanted to speak about, "Ek sal na my stort gaan (I'll go after my shower)" he answered, backing back into the restroom once again.

"Wag! Bubba, kan ek tv kyk? (Wait! Bubba, can I watch tv?)" Ade looked down at the small pup as she gave, what he assumed to be, the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. Ade sighed before walking into the room and grabbing the remote, he switched the tv on and flipped through multiple channels before stopping on a random kids channel.

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