50 | Luke

814 35 6

A/N | Sorry for the long wait, writers block was bad with this chapter. Anyway the next chapter will be uploaded later today as promised, enjoy!

It was still early when Stefan left Zane's parents house, despite that he decided he should probably head back to the Packhouse, especially after catching the time on his phone and realizing that it was later than he usually stayed out for scouting. The last thing he needed was for a scouting team to end up being called to search for him too.

He let out a quiet defeated breath, he once again had come up short and as everything usually did, it was slowly starting to mess with him. It had been months since he'd seen Savannah and as much as he hated to think about it, a small part of him was starting to believe they would never find her.

A soft whine sounded in his head at his thoughts and he felt a slight pang of guilt at the sound, "Sorry." He murmured, not at all surprised when he received nothing in response. Despite his wolf's pessimistic attitude about searching for Savannah on their own Stefan knew he secretly hoped they would find her, and that the thought of never seeing her again hurt him just as much as it hurt Leon.

As Stefan continued his slow walk back to the Packhouse he paused, a familiar face popping into view not too far away from where he was stopped, Luke. The warrior had his long dreads in a loose ponytail, the accessories he was used to seeing in the male's hair were no longer there, and he wore casual clothes that hung comfortably loose around his swollen belly. At first he thought the warrior hadn't noticed him, but he was quickly proved wrong when Luke glanced to the side, looking directly at him.

The teen momentarily tensed when their eyes met on another's, Luke's instantly closing as he quickly moved into a half bowed position, his pregnancy stopping him from completing his full bow. "Luna." He greeted in a respectful tone.

Stefan couldn't help the small awkward laugh that slipped past his lips at the warriors actions, no matter how long he'd been at the pack, being greeted so respectfully never got any less awkward than it was the first time. "Luke." He finally responded, not knowing how else to answer the wolf's greeting.

"I apologize for not being able to complete a full bow." He apologized, standing up straight as Stefan moved closer to where he was standing, "I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be more than able to complete that small task." he joked, causing the once awkward teen to let out a short, but genuine laugh in response.

Luke smiled at the small change, "Were you heading into town just now?" he questioned curiously, brows slightly scrunching when Stefan immediately replied with a no, "I was actually just leaving from Zane's parents home." he answered.

"Oh, Beta Oluwa and Patience?" He questioned fondly, still using their former titles.  "I'm sure they were very happy to see you then." He mused, watching as Stefan let out a breath of a laugh in response, a small amused smile on his face as he nodded his head in agreement.

"Where are you heading?" Stefan questioned, trying to be polite as the air slowly started to grow quiet, "To town." He answered simply, there was a small but fond smile on his face, and the teen couldn't help but find himself mesmerized at how easy the gesture came to the gruff looking wolf. "Would you mind coming with me?" he asked, catching Stefanoff guard as his eyes slightly widened and his brows furrowed in surprise.

"To town?" He questioned back, despite it being very clear that's what he was asking him. Luke looked down at him with an amused look, letting out a soft laugh but not responding as Stefan awkwardly looked away in thought, "Uh.. Well, I can't think of any reason to refuse your request." he replied thoughtlessly.

"Oh? So you were looking for one?" He questioned, a brow quirked up in feigned seriousness despite a hint of amusement hiding in his expression. "What?" Stefan questioned, genuinely confused before what he said finally hit him, but before he could even try to apologize he was cut off by the sudden sound of laughter leaving the warrior.

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