07 | Plans & Concerns

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"Why are we up so early again?" I grumbled, watching as Ricky walked out the bathroom in a loose towel. It was currently 5am and it's been 30 minutes since Ricky woke us up, let's just say I'm a little more than a little upset considering the fact that we stayed up until 2 in the morning last night.

He threw on the navy blue shirt with big white lettering he had set out on his dresser before moving into his closet to finish getting dressed, "I have to go pick up the girls and drop you off at home so you can get dressed." He answered simply, walking out in a black pair of pants "You can't just wear my clothes to school."

I grumbled Into the pillow as he walked towards my sprawled out body, "Why? It's not like it would be the first time." I yelped as he pulled the blanket, tossing me off the bed and onto the floor "Asshole." I grumbled, rolling onto my back as he crouched beside me.

He picked me up and I made sure to put all my dead weight on him as he carried me down the steps on his shoulder before setting me down by the island. "Tired?" Christopher questioned with a laugh as I let out a loud yawn.

I nodded, turning back to Ricky once Christopher made his way out the kitchen and back upstairs with his cup of coffee, "You left my clothes and my phone." He rolled his eyes before walking back upstairs, minutes later he was coming down with my things.

I smiled as I grabbed the pants from his hands and slipped them on before taking my phone and shirt as well, "No 'thank you'?" He questioned sarcastically.

"Thanks, I guess." I replied, wincing when I felt a smack on the head; He laughed as I flipped him off. He went towards the door and grabbed the sparkly purple helmet before tossing it my way "Ha ha ha, you're so fucking funny." I said, catching the helmet as I came closer.

He smirked as he leaned down again and grabbed another helmet, smaller than his but the same shiny black color, "I know." He put the helmet over my head, knocking on it twice before grabbing the one he had thrown at me and putting it back. I followed him out the house and watched as he started the bike before hopping onto the back behind him.

The drive to my cottage was long and the sun had finally started to show in the sky as we pulled up, he parked the bike in front and got off. I ran In front of him and slammed the door open causing savannah to jump, "What is wrong with you?" She questioned with a glare.

I ignored her stare as I walked in. "Your son is what's wrong with me." I grumbled as I landed on the couch face first, burying my face into the cotton pillows. As soon as I laid down I could feel something being thrown at my butt and groaned when I reached back and felt that it was my phone "Asshole."

Ricky laughed as he closed the front door, locking it. "He's just grumpy because he didn't get enough sleep." He walked up to Savannah and hugged her, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she laughed as well "Morning mom."

"Good morning." She replied back with a warm smile "the girls are in Omas' room and my keys are on the dresser"

"Okay, do you want me to sit her up for you?" He questioned as he handed his motorcycle keys to Savannah and made his way towards my Omas' room.

I flipped around on my back as she answered, "Yes, please." I watched her rush into the kitchen, probably going to cook breakfast for her and Oma. I sighed after a few moments of staying in the living room by myself before getting up and making my way into my Oma's room.

It was loud as the girls had cartoons playing on the tv and we're loudly singing the theme song; I ignored the chaos as I made my way to my Oma. Ricky had already finished sitting her up and was now talking to her so she didn't seem to notice my presence until I softly grabbed her hand "Guten Morgen, Oma. (Good morning, Oma.)" I greeted as she stopped speaking to turn in my direction.

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