17 | Bellona

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Disclaimer: no matter how many times I rewrite this chapter I still hate it, you have been warned ~

I heard her shout behind me as I walked away towards the door, "Wait!" I ignored her and kept going but as I made it outside her footsteps started nearing behind me, "Wait!" she repeated.

I stopped to look up at the star filled sky, frowning when I noticed it was already dark out, "I don't want to talk." I said, my eyes never leaving the sky as I heard her footsteps come closer to my slightly swaying body.

She remained quiet as I continued my stargazing, I almost forgot she was there as I got lost in the beauty of the sparkling balls of gas that seemed to light up the dark sky.

"You're his mate aren't you?" She questioned knowingly, causing me to flinch from both the question and the sudden sound of her voice behind me. Her voice was quiet as if the question scared her but her tone was blank and emotionless, a tone that could have easily been mistaken for cold.

I almost scoffed at the question, I wanted to answer her sarcastically. I wanted to show my disgust towards her not knowing, not knowing I'm his mate, not knowing he's mine, not knowing her place. But the only thing that came out was a hum.

"Mhm." The sound rang in the air, thickening it as if a big secret had just been revealed and she once again went silent at the revelation. I could tell the news came as a shock and that she was thinking hard on what to say back, I wish she'd just say nothing and just go back inside.

"Ade and I... we're not a thing." She spoke slowly, as if I was a ticking time bomb that could explode at any given time and in a way. I am.

A glare settled on my face as I turned around to face her, "So you've never had any type of relationship past you being friends?" I questioned, my face neutral as I looked over her now silent figure. I sighed when she didn't reply, once again turning back around.

"It's not like that." She tried to explain as she came closer and I turned back to face her, backing away with my hands raised.

"Is this why you stopped me? To explain yourself?" I questioned through squinted eyes, titling my head in disbelief. Each word came out as a hiss as my voice took on a defensive tone. "Just let me leave." I quietly grumbled, hoping she would do as I asked. "I've come to terms with Ade's rejections and I'll come to terms with this as well." There were no tears in my eyes or tremble in my voice as I spoke, just tiredness. I'm so tired of this, all of it.

I never wanted to be here in the first place. No, actually, the truth is I did want to be here, But I don't belong here. I don't deserve to be here.

I don't deserve to be in this loving pack, I don't deserve to be a part of Ade's family because I'm not a part of him.

I tried so hard to pretend like I was okay with coming here but the truth is I'm not. I'm not okay with being ignored and shit on by the man who's meant to be my other half, it makes me feel unwanted. It makes me feel unworthy.

"He... rejected you?" I look up at the voice that interrupted my thoughts. The voice was cold and full of disbelief, chills went down my spine as her cold eyes started to show a stumble glow to them.

The air around us turned cold as she stared at nothing in particular, it was suffocating. My eyes widened in horror as I watched the wind steadily pick up and a small bit of smoking starting to form around her small body, I flinched as she looked up at me, "What are you?" I whispered, looking her up and down.

She furrowed her brows at my question before looking around her, she blinked a few times as if she was just now taking in her surroundings; In a matter of seconds everything was back to normal and we were left staring at each other with nothing to say.

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